Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Media Hyposcrisy KlusterFluke

It's official. Leftists have no soul. We just have to destroy them.

Following Sandra Fluke's insane testimony before Nutty Nancy's Steering Committee,  Rush Limbaugh referred to the Obama operative (as any normal person would) as a 'slut'.  When you TESTIFY before a  congressional meeting, and you demand the taxpayers pay for your contraception, you just might be called a naughty name.

We have since learned that this episode was really meant to distract the American people from the President's ineptitude, and we have also been reminded of all the chronic misogyny and hypocrisy coming from the left.

So, what's next? I wouldn't be surprised if we see the following report on 'Entertainment Tonight' soon:

Media sensation Sandra Fluke will begin videotaping TWO new shows, a daily show produced by Oprah Winfrey's HARPO Productions, AND also a new prime-time show on MSNBC.

Her daily show, tentatively entitled Ladies Fight Back, will deal harshly with evil, conservative talk radio hosts who dare criticize Ms. Fluke. Sandra will also have friends like Bill Mahrer and Ed Schultz on to talk about evil conservative talkers. In a regular feature of the new show, Fluke will receive a supportive phone call from President Obama.

Fluke: "There is a war against women. I believe that there are those on the right that will try to silence me by calling me names or criticize me. I think we need to fight back. Having TWO new shows is a start".

Ladies Fight Back will be sponsored by Planned Parenthood, but the federal government will force the Catholic Church to pay for the commericals.

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