Thursday, July 30, 2020

And Now, A Word From Our New Sponsor, RedSquirrel Realty

If you currently reside in a high-tax, blue state hellhole, and you're sick of seeing pasty-faced, booger-eating communists threaten to burn down your neighborhood, you might think about moving out and into a nice, friendly, affluent red state.....

.....Maybe it's time to vote with your feet!

Just call RedSquirrel Realty, and we'll help you find your dream house in one of our low-tax, safe and friendly red states. There's plenty of elbow room in North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, and Alaska. We can also help you move to dynamic economic powerhouses Texas and Florida if it's a high-paying job you're looking for!

So, if you want to get away from violent, impoverished Democrat-ran shit holes like New York City, Seattle, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Minneapolis, or Washington DC, call RedSquirrel Realty, and we'll send one of our movers out to where you are, and help you escape the high taxes and violent anarchists!  

Just call us at 1.800.733.7325. That's 1.800.RED.REAL!!!

Covid Future Headline---------->



Sunday, July 26, 2020

Burgermeister Walz Orders Facemasks In Public

On Saturday, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz announced his new executive order which mandates that all Minnesotans must wear a facemask when in indoor, public places. Resisters face a possible fine.

The timing is curious. It seems as if this new dictate was announced just after the Republican-controlled Minnesota Senate refused to pass a bonding bill supported by the governor. To many Minnesotans, this makes him look like a vindictive jerk.

Many Minnesotans have been waiting for the governor to start turning his Covid19 dial, but it appears that it's being turned in the wrong direction. Some in the conservative media are referring to Walz as 'Kim Jong Walz', but this bushy-tailed pundit sees Walz more as the bitter, toy-hating Burgermeister Meisterburger from the classic Rankin-Bass Christmas special 'Santa Claus Is Coming To Town.'

Maybe if Governor Walz delivered his executive orders with a funny song like 'It's A Difficult Responsibility' it would take the edge off. Hit it, Timmy:

I have a Helluva responsibility
and you better obey the Governor dictator ME!
I don't care if you complain or disagree
I'm ordering you, and compliance is key

They didn't pass my bonding bill
I will win this battle OF WILLS!!!
I order you to cover your face
or the governor will be on your case!
I'm saving lives and you better obey
If you don't then I will make you pay!
You will cover your face and nose
A big fine will bring you woe!

I have a Helluva responsibility
and you people better obey the Governor dictator ME
I don't care if you complain or disagree
Tim Walz has spoken, and compliance is key!

Your face will be concealed
My executive power, I wield
I don't want to hear you holler
Here's a fine,  a thousand dollars!
I 'm saving lives, you uncaring ants
Defy me? I say you can't!
If you think I'm just being mean
I'll say 'I'm saving you from Covid 19'

I have a helluva responsibility
and you better obey the Governor dictator ME!
I don't care if you complain or disagree..........

(spoken): ........I'm ordering EVERY resident of Minnesota to mask up, shut up, and cover up their faces even though there's no proof whatsoever that masks can stop the Covid19 virus, or you will face a fine of up to $1000!!!

.....and you had better obey the Governor dictator ME!!!!

What Do These Presidential Poll Numbers Mean?

They say that a week in the world of politics is an eternity. So, why is everybody releasing  poll numbers 3 or 4 months before the presidential election, and why should any discerning American believe these numbers when they also had Hillary Clinton winning four years ago?

The leftist Trump haters in the 'news media' have the president way behind incoherent challenger Joe Biden by 10-12 points. Do these polls reflect anything resembling reality or are they trying to discourage Trump supporters from even voting in November?

On Election night 2016, leftist pundits on all the news channels were traumatized and seemed as if they were deep in shock. For four years they made non-stop, slanderous attacks on the President.

They say that Joe Biden is preferred by 45-47% of poll respondents, while Trump is at about 40%  I think that about 15% of the people called by pollsters are closeted Trump supporters who swear at the pollster and hang up. They're not being counted.

There are a lot of Trump supporters who are picked on and harassed at work. Their cars are keyed and they're not likely to argue politics even with friends and family. If you're a Trump supporter residing in a city, the phrase 'coming out of the closet' refers to the moment you tell your liberal friends that you voted for Trump in 2016.

It's gotten even worse in 2020. You have Marxist BLM thugs murdering girls just for saying 'All Lives Matter.' There is a Communist uprising in Democrat-ran cities, and the Biden campaign would like to have this election determined by 'mail-in' votes.

Your bushy-tailed pundit believes that The Democrats are losing millions of voters by supporting these unhinged, violent rioters, and many Americans who don't even like Trump are considering a vote for The President.

What do these presidential poll numbers mean? Probably not a whole lot.

This Is The Biden 2020 Campaign

Violent Black thugs murdered a Black, pro-Trump activist in Milwaukee the other day. This is just part of the Biden 2020 campaign.

Violent 'Biden campaign workers' are trying to set federal courthouses in Portland on fire and lying about it to the compliant, anti-Trump 'news media'. This is also part of the Democrat campaign.

They refer to federal agents protecting federal buildings as an 'occupation' because the violent, Marxist weirdos are trying to compare the agents to Israeli soldiers harassing poor, put-upon Palestinians. They say that the president is planning to use federal troops to enforce martial law after he loses the election three months from now.

That is just incredible. You remember when debate moderator Chris Wallace asked presidential candidate Donald Trump if he will accept the result of the 2016 election? He WON the election, and the Democrats show their good sportsmanship by spending 4 years trying to drive him out of office.

They didn't accept the result.

Governors and mayors in blue states who are destroying their economies are part of the Biden 2020 campaign, too. To them, Covid 19 is a gift sent from below. They would rather have the American people dependent on government checks and forced to wear masks to the grocery store. The Dems also want us voting by mail. No chance of voter fraud there!

The left lost their minds when Trump was elected. They want revenge on this terrible country that elected him. Joe Biden and the establishment swamp-dwellers are attempting to ride this tiger of ultra-violent communist revolutionaries from BLM and AntiFa who are murdering innocent people and blowing cities up.

Do you ever notice that Joe Biden NEVER criticizes these violent, hateful, Marxist thugs? Of course not! They're his campaign workers!

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

RedSquirrel's Twitter Hostage Account Crisis: One Year Later (With Ted Koppel)

Hello, this is Ted Koppel, and this is RedSquirrel's Twitter Hostage Account Crisis: One Year Later.......

On July 22, 2019, Joe Deal, known to his readers as 'RedSquirrel' replied to a photo on Twitter. 15 minutes later, he was informed that he was suspended from the social media site.

It's a year later, and it's safe to say the suspension is more like a lifetime ban. Meanwhile, deranged leftists spew the most disgusting, morally reprehensible tweets on this sickening expansive cesspool of hate. What in the world is wrong with Jack Dorsey and the employees at Twitter?

It's 366 days since Mr. Deal replied to a photo of Muslims dancing happily in a small boat headed to Europe. Deal deduced that these Muslims were headed towards Europe to do what Muslims do while inside Europe. Rape White women and turn their cities into 'no-go' zones. He tweeted:

'Perhaps a well-placed torpedo would wipe the smiles off their faces.'

Perhaps the reply WAS mean-spirited, but leftists tweet far worse without any threat of being suspended. If the snarky, harmless RedSquirrel can be suspended, then scores of unhinged, hateful leftists ought to face suspension.

Finally, I asked RedSquirrel what it was like to remain in Twitter Jail. He said that he's switched to, and that he doesn't miss Twitter that much.

I am Ted Koppel. Goodnight.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

What Should Washington's Professional Football Team Call Itself?

After mounting pressure from Cancel- Culturalists and Nativist-Americans, the Washington D.C. professional football team has dropped their team nickname. They will not be referred to as 'The Redskins' anymore.

The 2020-2021 NFL Football Season probably won't even take place this year, so there's plenty of time to think up a new team nickname. Owner Dan Snyder or someone who works for the team should announce a 'Name The Team' contest, and I'm thinking the winner should get lifetime tickets and $10,000.

Here are some of my team nickname ideas:

The Washingtom DC Taxandspenders

The Washington Swampdwellers

The Washington Bureaucrats

The Washington Corruptocrats

I think the images below could make for fearsome helmet decals!

Aunt Jemima: Black Lives Don't Matter To Black Lives Matter

Aunt Jemima's boss has been forced to fire the beloved corporate spokesperson. The cancel culturalists have decided that her brand and her smile is offensive to social justice warriors and to violent, politically correct racialists everywhere.

According to the mainstream news media, the death of George Floyd sparked violent protests across the country. and the destructive rise of the violent Marxist gang, Black Lives Matter. One of their leaders has vowed to 'burn the American system down'

The RedSquirrel Report has hired Aunt Jemima as our
new correspondent. Take it away, Aunt J:

Thanks, honey....

Aunt Jemima is here to tell y'all that Black lives don't really matter to those jive-assed Black Lives Matter turkeys! If black lives really mattered to BLM, THEN THEY WOULD LEAVE ME AND THE REST OF THE COUNTRY THE HELL ALONE!!!

I loved my job, and those creepy-assed, cancel culture bastards took my job away. I was at that place since 1890, and things were just peachy.......up until 2020. Are we to believe that suddenly a Black woman's face on a box of pancake mix is offensive to normal Americans? OH, HELL NO!!!

By the way, my real name is Nancy Green. I was an actual slave (you little punk-assed crybabies have no idea how good you got it living in America). After I was freed, I was hired by the Pearl Milling Company. I got to be the spokesperson, and I got to travel all over. I made a FORTUNE!

These PC jack-asses took this terrific gig away from me. I have noticed that the rioting mob burned down a lot of businesses on Minneapolis's Lake Street. I guess that Black jobs don't matter to Black Lives Matter either!

You would think that a group that calls itself Black Lives Matter would be out protesting all the gun violence and murder in Chicago. Think again!

I heard that two of the founders of BLM are lesbians, and their website says that breaking up the nuclear family is what they're all about. HEY BITCHES, IF YOU DON'T LIKE FAMILIES. THEN DON'T START ONE! JUST LEAVE THE REST OF US THE HELL ALONE!!!

If a conservative, normal American doesn't want to start a family, he or she stays single. These jive-assed progressive weirdos START A VIOLENT, MARXIST, FAMILY-HATING ORGANIZATION AND TRIES TO WIPE THE ENTIRE COUNTRY OUT!!!

Oh, and Black Lives Matter thinks that Planned Parenthood is just fine n' dandy!!! Black babies don't matter either....

Finally, if you make a mistake and tell one of these maniacs that 'ALL LIVES MATTER', you better duck, because they might throw a brick into your skull or shoot you! 

This is Aunt Jemima, reporting from somewhere in America. Back to you, RedSquirrel!

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Are Americans Voting With Their Feet?

I was just thinking.......

Democrat-controlled cities are out of control. Progressive mayors appear to approve of violence, riots , and looting. Democrat governors are using Covid 19 as an excuse to aggressively jam an incredible level of tyranny down our throats and keep blue-state economies shut down.

Idiot Marxist NYC Mayor Bill DeBlasio refuses to enforce the law, but actively harasses Jews and Christians who just want to attend church services. Millions of Americans trapped in blue states are threatened with arrests and fines for questioning shutdowns and covid-19 face mask dictates.

Thousands of anti-police protesters, trouble-makers, arsonists, and vandals are celebrated on the mainstream news media, but if you protest ridiculous leftist policies, you're a threat to public health and safety.

Meanwhile, states ran by Republican governors are populated with very content, affluent residents, and the economies are far more open and powerful. The leftists in the news media accuse red-state governors of trying to kill their residents by opening their economies, yet you're three times more likely to be killed by Covid 19 if you reside in a blue state.

In the last month and a half, I've heard callers on talk radio tell the hosts that they are moving out of the blue state where they currently reside, and move to a red state. I was just thinking.....

Can you imagine normal, everyday Americans just accepting the non-stop violence and never-ending economic shutdown, or do you wonder if perhaps millions of people will finally say enough is enough?

I can imagine many millions of people moving to states that are more affluent and free, and leaving the blue states behind. Imagine 4 or 8 years from now, sparsely-populated red states like Montana, Alaska, Wyoming, North and South Dakota, Idaho,and Utah become electoral powerhouses.

It's already happening. Blue states California and New York are losing residents, and red states Texas and Florida are gaining. The trick is, how do you stop new residents escaping blue states from bringing their terrible blue-state policies with them? Turning a red state blue would be disastrous.

Our country is a  laboratory of democracy. There are 50 states, and they should compete for people. If you don't approve of the way your state or local government is run, perhaps you should vote with your feet.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Rick And Morty Fight Against The Cancel Culture

Recently, Joe the Cartoonist has discovered the animated Adult Swim series 'Rick and Morty,' and it has dawned on him that all the recent 'cancel culture' news stories seem almost like they could be made into an episode.

Here's his treatment:

Rick and Morty REALLY hate cancel culture. They are disgusted with Marxist bullies like Black Lives Matter and the creepy AntiFa, and decide to fire up their time machine to get away from 2020 for a while. They set the machine to the year 2030.

When they arrive at their future destination, they learn that things have gotten way, way worse.

They learn that America's history has been erased completely, and all the memorials and statues have been pulled down. Mt. Rushmore has been replaced with Mount MaoStalinPolPot.

English has been replaced with African-Khoisan mouth clicking. It is illegal to write. Black Lives Matter and Islam are the only legal religions. White people are forced to live on their knees.

Rick and Morty are caught speaking English, and they are arrested by leftist, inbred Twitter 'influencers'. The FBI and CIA have been replaced by The PC Police..

They escape, and duck into a grocery store. Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben products are gone. In 2030, EVERYTHING is banned, and all store products come in cans and boxes with no brand names or words. You have to guess what you have just bought.

All sports nicknames have been banned, and soccer is the only sport that remains. In fact, all city and town names have been banned and replaced with Muslim and African-sounding names.
Statues of Civil Rights leaders like Martin Luther King have been pulled down. All privately-owned businesses have been burned-down or looted.

Rick and Morty learn that most Blacks have been killed. Black Lives Matter has gotten what they wanted. The nuclear family has been abolished, and crime has shot thru the roof.

BLM has successfully 'burned down the system', and the Black Community has been decimated. The NBA is defunct.

Rich, White college girls, brain-washed by scummy communist college professors, are rulers in this Hellish dystopia.

Rick and Morty program their time machine for 1965, and save the world by persuading the government to de-fund the colleges.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

The Democrat Agenda: 'For Hate's Sake'

We here at RSS have invited a representative from the Democrat party to explain their Campaign 2020 strategy. Here to explain is their spokesman:

Thanks, Admeeeeeral. I cannot help but be touched. I, of course, remember Election Night 2016......

We all believed the polls and felt certain that Hillary Clinton was surely going to prevail, and become America's first female President. Alas, as Election Night wore on, the Democrat Blue Wall slowly crumbled.

Florida.....then Pennsylvania....then Michigan......and Wisconsin fell into the hands of that Cheeto-headed Republican. When his victory was announced, I knew exactly how the traumatized, crying Hillary supporters felt. In 'The Wrath Of Khan', I set off the Genesis Project, and almost destroyed the universe in my whacked desire to destroy my enemies.....

This brings me to Campaign 2020. Our Orange enemy shall learn that revenge is a dish that is best served cold. For hate's sake, we Democrats are spitting our last breath at thee, Donald Trump.

Surely we will make our point clear. We want to avenge ourselves upon you, Trump. We want to deprive you of power, and then deprive everyone of their freedom.

We delight in this worldwide pandemic Covid-19, and yet we are also blaming YOU for it. We are spreading misery and far-reaching economic destitution in blue states by shutting down the economy.

We believe that voters in blue states will blame you for this disaster. That's how much we hate you!

Our allies at CNN and MSNBC are telling the American People to oppose EVERYTHING that you support. When you speak in favor of Hydroxi Chloroquin, we tell everyone that it's a deadly drug! 

When you (and Republican Governors) speak in favor of re-opening the economy, our allies in the news media tell the voters that you want to kill them!

As our foot soldiers burn down businesses, loot stores, and murder cops, we call you a RACIST when you promise to bring about law and order!!!!! Black Lives Matter!!!!Black Lives Matter!!!!

We shall leave you as you left us four long years the center of a cold, dead campaign. We will bury you ALIVE!!! FOR HATE'S SAKE!!!!

Friday, July 10, 2020

A New Red Forman Commentary: I'm In Favor Of More Police Brutality

Here with his newest commentary on police reform is our normal-American everyman, Red Forman:

Thanks, Red....

Right now it's 2:30 in the 'morning', and there seems to be a gang squealing their tires about as loud as they can about a block away. Normally, the cops would be stopping this crap, but the neighbor-hood police station was set on fire and gutted,

Nowadays, there's a lot of talk about de-funding the police and dismantling the Minneapolis Police Department. Before I leave this lawless shithole forever, I'd like to add my two cents. I. too. have a complaint concerning police brutality.

I wish there was more of it. 

If your head is screwed on straight, you would know that the progressive weirdos running Minneapolis are unfit to run anything. They were supposed to give the police direction. On the evening of May 28, the city government told the police in the 3rd precinct to evacuate their station, and allow it to fall in the hands of a violent, hateful mob

The dumbfucks running Minneapolis turned East Lake Street into a war zone, and now the officers from the 3rd Precinct are suffering from PTSD from the horror of May 28. On that terrible night, many officers were saving one last bullet in their guns in case The Walking Fucktards decided to beat them to death.

The Governor should have called in the National Guard on TUESDAY 26, and told the police that you guys do whatever it takes to bring order to Lake Street. I'd be cheering if I saw a bunch of these rioting pricks get shot and arrested.

The news media dumbasses saw what we saw up close. A lot of  businesses on Lake Street burned to the ground by anarchist fuckheads. We saw idiots break the doors at Target and Cubfoods, and a bunch of felonious assholes looted these stores. The dummkopfs in the news media keep calling them 'protesters.' Stop calling them 'protesters.' They're vandals, arsonists, and looters.

The next time I hear someone call one of these rioting assholes a 'protester', I'm gonna clock somebody. If my son Eric ever took part in a riot like this, I'd disown him, and probably kill him.

I hope that the 3rd Precinct gets re-built. I say, make it bigger and badder than U.S. Bank Stadium, and we can jail the pricks who set it on fire.

And while I'm here, I have some choice words for the 'woke' cancel-culture goon squad. Since they're doing away with Aunt Jemima, I'm thinking about changing my name to 'Red Jemima. I'll have a t-shirt made with my big head in blackface, with a big middle finger. Get a fucking life, commie.

Thursday, July 2, 2020


The most obnoxious, stupid new word in the far-left lexicon is the word 're-imagine.' Minneapolis City Counsel President Lisa Bender uses this word when describing her dream of replacing Minneapolis Police with God-knows-what:

'We need to 're-imagine' public safety.'

This idiotic silliness needs a song parody. Hit it, Minneapolis City Counsel President Lisa Bender:

Re-imagine no police department
Your brain will explode if you try
No need for law enforcement
Bullets filling the sky

Re-imagine violent criminals
destroying the peace

You may say I'm a dingbat
but I'm not the only one
We're the clowns on the Minneapolis City Counsel
Only the criminals should have guns

Re-imagine businesses burning
You don't have to try
No Wendy's, banks, and Arby's
Infernos and smoke reach the sky

Re-imagine violent leftists
destroying your neighborhood

You may say I'm a moron
but I'm not the only one
We're the clowns on the Minneapolis City Counsel
Only the criminals should have guns

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Pajama Boy Loves The Shutdown

Nearly all self-respecting , hard-working Americans hate this shutdown. but we've found one American who really likes it:
Hello everybody!! It's Pajama Boy!

I'm here in my pillow fort. My Mom just made me some nice, warm cocoa, and I'm holding my cup with both hands (This tiny cup is surprisingly heavy!)....

My friends who were furloughed from their jobs at Starbucks have time to visit me now that the coffee place is drive-thru only. It warms my heart to think about all the people across the fruity plain staying indoors and enjoying a cup of warm cocoa!

I had quite a scare the other day when I looked at my pillows in my fort and discovered that Mom had ordered them from that Christian freak Mike Lindell! I was so traumatized I had an accident in my onesie!

I am concerned about My Lord and Savior, and President-For-Life Barack Hussein Obama. I haven't seen him since Covid 19 shut everything down. I haven't seen him on the news, taking credit for the strong economy. WHY IS THAT!!!???

I'll ask my Mom if I can stay up late tonight, and watch my man-crush, CNN's Don Lemon. Maybe he'll know..

These Democrat governors are serious about keeping their states safe. I wish that Republican governors cared as much as Democrat governors. Sigh....(Takes a sip).....

I hope that Pete Buttigieg gets back into the presidential race, and that he beats President Orange Man Bad!

Well, that's all for now. I'll have more later. Reporting from my pillow fort, is your shutdown correspondent.....

Pajama Boy.