Thursday, September 22, 2011

To My Readers In Russia,

Yesterday, your bushy-tailed reporter checked the stats page, and discovered that I had 8 page views from Russia. I thought to myself, 'That's pretty cool', but then a rush of paranoia and panic swept over me.

I asked myself, 'Why would I suddenly have a spike of readers from Russia?' Could it be that my recent post, 'Snitching On The MOB', could be misconstrued by members of the Russian mob as a real story with actual characters? I think that I need to do a little housecleaning, and clear some things up.

For starters, I DID 'turn myself in' to AttackWatch, the ridiculous Obama website. I gave them my e-mail address and the name of my blog, as a joke. The events described in my post, 'Snitching On The Mob' was highly fictitious. I never shared any information with AttackWatch concerning any other bloggers associated with The MOB (The Minnesota Organization Of Bloggers).

I wrote 'Snitching On The Mob'  to mock The Obama regime. I need to also mention the tone of this post. I was impersonating the assorted nuts who frequent websites such as Democrat Underground and The Daily Kos. When I spoke of  'Those MOB bosses Mitch Berg and Ed Morrissey', I should state that neither one of those gentlemen, to my knowledge, are actual mob bosses, and it is my belief that neither are or have ever been involved with sex trafficking, dealing of arms, or the trafficking of drugs. So, if any Russian crime bosses have read 'Snitching On The MOB'  believing that Mr. Berg or Mr. Morrissey might be harming your business, let me assure you that they are mostly harmless, unless you are a commie lib.

I admit that I referred to 'that reprehensible rapscallion Mitch Berg'. Again, I was merely impersonating the assorted crapweasels mentioned in the websites mentioned above. I like the alliteration of 'reprehensible rapscallion'. I also think that the word 'reprehensible' is quite funny, because Barney Frank made the word funny.

I think that's all for now. Thanks to my readers in Russia. Over and out.

J. Redsquirrel

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