Sunday, September 25, 2011

I Might Vote For A Dem After All

This week, Worldnet Daily's Joseph Farah came up with a very intriguing idea. He suggested that Sarah Palin should run against our child a Democrat.  She could switch parties, and challenge him in a primary run in 2012.

Palin is a proven reformer who has attacked the corruption in the Republican establishment, and Obama is the most corrupt, devious president in this country's history. Many rank and file Democrats are experiencing buyer's remorse for their vote in 2008, and everyone knows that the regime of Captain KLSTRFCK has been one of crony corruption (Solyndra, LightSquared) and outright criminality (Operation Fast And Furious).

This idea appeals to me, your bushy-tailed correspondent. A successful Palin insurgency would drive the mainstream news media batty. Their heads would explode like the Martians in that hilarious movie ,'Mars Attacks!'. A Palin acceptance speech at the DNC Convention would sound like Slim Whitman yodelling to everyone at MSNBC.

Run, Sarah, Run! 

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