Thursday, October 6, 2011

What Do You Get When You Cross The Star Wars Catina Bar Scene And The Island Of Misfit Commies?

As I watched the 'Occupy Wall Street' demonstration in New York, it made me wonder 'What ever became of Conan O'Brien's roving canine correspondent, Triumph The Insult Comic Dog?' I don't know about you, but I think that a report from Triumph is what this country needs to take it's mind off its impending Communist revolution.

I imagine the report going SOMETHING LIKE THIS....

Opening shot: Triumph stands, with a microphone 'in his paw', before the sea of unkempt demonstrators.

"What do you get when you cross The Star Wars Catina bar scene and The Island Of Misfit Commies? You get the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations. You can just feel the hatred for capitalism, as well as the whiff of anti-semitism. Just look at the sea of human debris. This is a great demonstration....FOR ME TO POOP ON!" (camera pans, panorama view of demonstrators). '

Triumph finds a topless woman with a moustache. "Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for Josephine Stalin". (laughter).

Triumph finds a victim....I mean, a demonstrator, and asks him, "So, what brings you out?" The demonstrator is incoherent, yapping about the Koch Brothers and the Jews, or something. Finally, Triumph insults the demonstrator (laughter), and gives him a parting gift basket.(soap and deodorant. more laughter.)

Triumph talks to one of the organizers. The doofus decries corporate America, all the while using an i-pod. Triumph follows him into a McDonald's bathroom.(another corporation. more laughter).

Triumph ridicules some of the placards and signs, then signs off.

Before I sign off, I have a question. Does anybody out there have a red squirrel hand puppet for sale?

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