Wednesday, June 6, 2012

WI Public Unionistas Already Working On Next Walker Recall

The union bosses in Wisconsin are already gathering petitions, and gearing up for YET ANOTHER recall of Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker. Our correspondent learned that the next recall effort will probably take place in September.

As for last night's recall, it was obvious that all of the illegal votes, the intimidation, and public outbursts by angry leftists would not bring Democrat challenger Tom Barrett any closer to victory.
"Damned Walker beat Tom Barrett so badly, it's beyond our election fraud threshold.

We bussed in tons of voters from Chicago and Michigan and Minnesota, threatened our neighbors, and it STILL wasn't enough!", one union boss said.

"I had a trunk full of ballots, but what good would these stuffed ballot boxes do? Those tea-baggers really got their people out".

Over at MSNBC, both Ed Schultz and Lawrence O' Donnell had a mental breakdown, while Rachel Maddow behaved like Saddam's propagandist Baghdad Bob, simply refusing to believe that the Democrat could possibly lose.

At CNN, an elated Wolf Blitzer excitedly proclaimed the phony exit poll data, but turned more dour as the results came in.

Tuesday night ended with a conservative gloatfest on Twitter. Some of us laughed at the weepy unionista, as he warned America:

"This is the end of the U.S.A. as we know it".

Boo hoo hoo. Get over yourself, you big baby.

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