Monday, June 18, 2012

Don't Ever Heckle The King

Dear White House Press Corps:

As you know,  Our Glorious Leader was announcing his latest Executive edict on Friday, when he was deliberately and disrespectfully interrupted by a troublemaker from the conservative website, The Daily Caller.

The One was announcing his change in immigration policy, geared towards stopping the deportation of 800,000 young people from the country. As Our Dear Leader was addressing you in The Rose Garden, He was interrupted by Neil Munro from The Daily Caller. As you should know, this did not sit well with Our Manchild President:

"Excuse me, sir....It's not time for questions...." Our wonderful President said, stopping that disrespectful reporter.

"No, You have to take questions", the troublemaker responded.

Just remember, Obama scribes. You are supposed to be quiet while Our Glorious Leader hands down his latest edict, and scribble dutifully. GOT IT?

Then to make things even worse. Munro squeezed in a question, "What about American workers who are unemployed while you import foreigners?"

Ladies and gentlemen, we don't really want to crack down on the White House press pool, but we will not allow anyone near the White House who may cause anything like Friday's outburst. Our Dear Leader demands it.

In the meantime, everyone needs to work on destroying Munro's name. You will refer to him as 'The Heckler' from now on.

Meanwhile, our people at MSNBC, as well as Sam Donaldson are doing terrific work, suggesting that this Neil Munro heckled President Obama because HE'S BLACK!

When in doubt, play the race card.

Would a WHITE president ever be heckled? Of course not! No one would ever heckle a ......WATCH OUT! FLYING SHOE!

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