Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Julia: Relegated To The Island Of Misfit Campaign Mascots

Does anybody still remember Obama's disastrous slide show, 'Life Of Julia'? She was the faceless, composite nobody who could not get through life without her sugar daddy, Barack Obama. It appears that Team Obama has deserted her. I don't hear Obama's brilliant campaign advisor Jim Messina talking about her.

I bet they don't even take her calls.  Oh wait, she doesn't have a mouth. Looks like the only people who keep bringing her up are those on the right.

For anybody who grew up watching all those classic Rankin-Bass claymation Christmas specials from the 1960's-1970's, Ed Morrissey from drew a rather comical mental picture of Julia's banishment from Obama's 2012 campaign. He said:

Last month, the Obama campaign tried to sell women-especially younger, single women a life of government dependency in it's unwitting, Orwellian "Life Of Julia." Even women inclined to support Barack Obama objected to the characterization of women as wards of the state. Polling results two weeks later showed that Obama lost significant ground among the demographics he had hoped to improve, and ever since, the Obama campaign apparently relegated the eyeless, mouthless "Julia to the island of Misfit Campaign Mascots.

The Island of Misfit Campaign Mascots? Morrissey compared Obama's 'Julia' with The Island of Misfit Toys- Sad. Lost. Miserable. Banished..

It's like little Julia is of no use to Obama, so his team will toss her out-where at least she can't do them any more harm.

Morrissey suggested that there are more of these mascots. Well, there IS four more months. I'm sure that Team Obama is working on ANOTHER dependent, little mascot.

How about Charley-in-a-Box? He hides in his box because he is hoping that Obama will excuse his college loans.

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