Sunday, January 29, 2012

Obama Announces "The Fair Deal"

Hot on the heels of the big State of the Union Show last week, our child dictator is getting ready to roll out the most ambitious agenda since Franklyn Delano Roosevelt's New Deal.

Let's call it "Obama's Fair Deal".

If you play by HIS rules, agree to be HIS tool, and help HIM get re-elected, you can take part. It's only fair.

In the SOTU Address, Obama talked about rewarding hard work. You know, like those poor, hard-working Solyndra execs. It just breaks my heart when I think about the hard work of laundering a half-billion dollars through this fraudulent company. Just remember: Solar and wind....good. Oil....bad.

I just hope those Solyndra execs can feed their kids. The poor darlings.

Our agitator-In-Chief invited Warren Buffett's Secretary, poor Mrs. ah' Wiggins, to his show last week to illustrate the unfairness of our tax code. Since the Secretary of the Treasury Tiny Tim Geithner is such an old hand at getting around the tax laws, we really should him and Buffett's secretary together.

Timmy could turn that secretary into a lean, mean tax-cheating machine.

When I think of the unfairness of workers in the private sector making almost HALF of their government employee counterparts, I conclude that tea-baggers like Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker must be re-called from office.

Remember, public sector employees really are better than everyone else. It should be an honor for you private sector workers to keep working into your late 60's, so that a government sector employee can retire at 55. Just stop being so selfish.

It's only fair.

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