Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Cain Suspends Candidacy, While Obama Suspends Constitution

On Saturday, Presidential hopeful Herman Cain suspended his candidacy amid accusations of impropriety involving women other than his wife. Meanwhile, Barack Obama appears to be unscathed by multiple scandals involving illegal gun-running, an unprecedented level of corruption (Solyndra), and a total disregard for the rule of law. While Cain suspends his candidacy, Obama is suspending The Constitution.

While the Republican candidates tear into each other's imperfections, Obama wrecks the country.

While we yap about Mitt Romney and his flip-flops, Obama fans the flames of racial strife and gives his blessing to the anti-Semitic, violent 'Occupy Wall Street' demonstrations. At least he's consistent....

While the mainstream (and many in the 'conservative media) blather on Newt Gingrich's skeletons in his closet, most mavens in the 'news media' ignore Obama's radical friends, William Ayers, Bernadene Dorn, and the psychotic Reverend Jeremiah Wright.

While our candidates appear at debates moderated by leftists, Obama appears only before fainting, fawning audiences.

What the Republican Party needs is an attitude adjustment. Instead of the constant bickering,  we need to give the dirty Dems a taste of their own medicine.

Before most Americans ever heard of Saul Alinsky, there was a Republican strategist who kicked  the snot out of the Dems named Lee Atwater. In 1988, he made Democrat Presidential candidate Michael Dukakis into a national punchline.

We need to re-learn some things, people.

Any one of the GOP candidates is superior to the current occupant in the White House.

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