Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Aunt Jemima: Black Lives Don't Matter To Black Lives Matter

Aunt Jemima's boss has been forced to fire the beloved corporate spokesperson. The cancel culturalists have decided that her brand and her smile is offensive to social justice warriors and to violent, politically correct racialists everywhere.

According to the mainstream news media, the death of George Floyd sparked violent protests across the country. and the destructive rise of the violent Marxist gang, Black Lives Matter. One of their leaders has vowed to 'burn the American system down'

The RedSquirrel Report has hired Aunt Jemima as our
new correspondent. Take it away, Aunt J:

Thanks, honey....

Aunt Jemima is here to tell y'all that Black lives don't really matter to those jive-assed Black Lives Matter turkeys! If black lives really mattered to BLM, THEN THEY WOULD LEAVE ME AND THE REST OF THE COUNTRY THE HELL ALONE!!!

I loved my job, and those creepy-assed, cancel culture bastards took my job away. I was at that place since 1890, and things were just peachy.......up until 2020. Are we to believe that suddenly a Black woman's face on a box of pancake mix is offensive to normal Americans? OH, HELL NO!!!

By the way, my real name is Nancy Green. I was an actual slave (you little punk-assed crybabies have no idea how good you got it living in America). After I was freed, I was hired by the Pearl Milling Company. I got to be the spokesperson, and I got to travel all over. I made a FORTUNE!

These PC jack-asses took this terrific gig away from me. I have noticed that the rioting mob burned down a lot of businesses on Minneapolis's Lake Street. I guess that Black jobs don't matter to Black Lives Matter either!

You would think that a group that calls itself Black Lives Matter would be out protesting all the gun violence and murder in Chicago. Think again!

I heard that two of the founders of BLM are lesbians, and their website says that breaking up the nuclear family is what they're all about. HEY BITCHES, IF YOU DON'T LIKE FAMILIES. THEN DON'T START ONE! JUST LEAVE THE REST OF US THE HELL ALONE!!!

If a conservative, normal American doesn't want to start a family, he or she stays single. These jive-assed progressive weirdos START A VIOLENT, MARXIST, FAMILY-HATING ORGANIZATION AND TRIES TO WIPE THE ENTIRE COUNTRY OUT!!!

Oh, and Black Lives Matter thinks that Planned Parenthood is just fine n' dandy!!! Black babies don't matter either....

Finally, if you make a mistake and tell one of these maniacs that 'ALL LIVES MATTER', you better duck, because they might throw a brick into your skull or shoot you! 

This is Aunt Jemima, reporting from somewhere in America. Back to you, RedSquirrel!

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