Thursday, July 16, 2020

Rick And Morty Fight Against The Cancel Culture

Recently, Joe the Cartoonist has discovered the animated Adult Swim series 'Rick and Morty,' and it has dawned on him that all the recent 'cancel culture' news stories seem almost like they could be made into an episode.

Here's his treatment:

Rick and Morty REALLY hate cancel culture. They are disgusted with Marxist bullies like Black Lives Matter and the creepy AntiFa, and decide to fire up their time machine to get away from 2020 for a while. They set the machine to the year 2030.

When they arrive at their future destination, they learn that things have gotten way, way worse.

They learn that America's history has been erased completely, and all the memorials and statues have been pulled down. Mt. Rushmore has been replaced with Mount MaoStalinPolPot.

English has been replaced with African-Khoisan mouth clicking. It is illegal to write. Black Lives Matter and Islam are the only legal religions. White people are forced to live on their knees.

Rick and Morty are caught speaking English, and they are arrested by leftist, inbred Twitter 'influencers'. The FBI and CIA have been replaced by The PC Police..

They escape, and duck into a grocery store. Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben products are gone. In 2030, EVERYTHING is banned, and all store products come in cans and boxes with no brand names or words. You have to guess what you have just bought.

All sports nicknames have been banned, and soccer is the only sport that remains. In fact, all city and town names have been banned and replaced with Muslim and African-sounding names.
Statues of Civil Rights leaders like Martin Luther King have been pulled down. All privately-owned businesses have been burned-down or looted.

Rick and Morty learn that most Blacks have been killed. Black Lives Matter has gotten what they wanted. The nuclear family has been abolished, and crime has shot thru the roof.

BLM has successfully 'burned down the system', and the Black Community has been decimated. The NBA is defunct.

Rich, White college girls, brain-washed by scummy communist college professors, are rulers in this Hellish dystopia.

Rick and Morty program their time machine for 1965, and save the world by persuading the government to de-fund the colleges.

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