Sunday, July 26, 2020

What Do These Presidential Poll Numbers Mean?

They say that a week in the world of politics is an eternity. So, why is everybody releasing  poll numbers 3 or 4 months before the presidential election, and why should any discerning American believe these numbers when they also had Hillary Clinton winning four years ago?

The leftist Trump haters in the 'news media' have the president way behind incoherent challenger Joe Biden by 10-12 points. Do these polls reflect anything resembling reality or are they trying to discourage Trump supporters from even voting in November?

On Election night 2016, leftist pundits on all the news channels were traumatized and seemed as if they were deep in shock. For four years they made non-stop, slanderous attacks on the President.

They say that Joe Biden is preferred by 45-47% of poll respondents, while Trump is at about 40%  I think that about 15% of the people called by pollsters are closeted Trump supporters who swear at the pollster and hang up. They're not being counted.

There are a lot of Trump supporters who are picked on and harassed at work. Their cars are keyed and they're not likely to argue politics even with friends and family. If you're a Trump supporter residing in a city, the phrase 'coming out of the closet' refers to the moment you tell your liberal friends that you voted for Trump in 2016.

It's gotten even worse in 2020. You have Marxist BLM thugs murdering girls just for saying 'All Lives Matter.' There is a Communist uprising in Democrat-ran cities, and the Biden campaign would like to have this election determined by 'mail-in' votes.

Your bushy-tailed pundit believes that The Democrats are losing millions of voters by supporting these unhinged, violent rioters, and many Americans who don't even like Trump are considering a vote for The President.

What do these presidential poll numbers mean? Probably not a whole lot.

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