Sunday, July 26, 2020

This Is The Biden 2020 Campaign

Violent Black thugs murdered a Black, pro-Trump activist in Milwaukee the other day. This is just part of the Biden 2020 campaign.

Violent 'Biden campaign workers' are trying to set federal courthouses in Portland on fire and lying about it to the compliant, anti-Trump 'news media'. This is also part of the Democrat campaign.

They refer to federal agents protecting federal buildings as an 'occupation' because the violent, Marxist weirdos are trying to compare the agents to Israeli soldiers harassing poor, put-upon Palestinians. They say that the president is planning to use federal troops to enforce martial law after he loses the election three months from now.

That is just incredible. You remember when debate moderator Chris Wallace asked presidential candidate Donald Trump if he will accept the result of the 2016 election? He WON the election, and the Democrats show their good sportsmanship by spending 4 years trying to drive him out of office.

They didn't accept the result.

Governors and mayors in blue states who are destroying their economies are part of the Biden 2020 campaign, too. To them, Covid 19 is a gift sent from below. They would rather have the American people dependent on government checks and forced to wear masks to the grocery store. The Dems also want us voting by mail. No chance of voter fraud there!

The left lost their minds when Trump was elected. They want revenge on this terrible country that elected him. Joe Biden and the establishment swamp-dwellers are attempting to ride this tiger of ultra-violent communist revolutionaries from BLM and AntiFa who are murdering innocent people and blowing cities up.

Do you ever notice that Joe Biden NEVER criticizes these violent, hateful, Marxist thugs? Of course not! They're his campaign workers!

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