Wednesday, July 15, 2020

The Democrat Agenda: 'For Hate's Sake'

We here at RSS have invited a representative from the Democrat party to explain their Campaign 2020 strategy. Here to explain is their spokesman:

Thanks, Admeeeeeral. I cannot help but be touched. I, of course, remember Election Night 2016......

We all believed the polls and felt certain that Hillary Clinton was surely going to prevail, and become America's first female President. Alas, as Election Night wore on, the Democrat Blue Wall slowly crumbled.

Florida.....then Pennsylvania....then Michigan......and Wisconsin fell into the hands of that Cheeto-headed Republican. When his victory was announced, I knew exactly how the traumatized, crying Hillary supporters felt. In 'The Wrath Of Khan', I set off the Genesis Project, and almost destroyed the universe in my whacked desire to destroy my enemies.....

This brings me to Campaign 2020. Our Orange enemy shall learn that revenge is a dish that is best served cold. For hate's sake, we Democrats are spitting our last breath at thee, Donald Trump.

Surely we will make our point clear. We want to avenge ourselves upon you, Trump. We want to deprive you of power, and then deprive everyone of their freedom.

We delight in this worldwide pandemic Covid-19, and yet we are also blaming YOU for it. We are spreading misery and far-reaching economic destitution in blue states by shutting down the economy.

We believe that voters in blue states will blame you for this disaster. That's how much we hate you!

Our allies at CNN and MSNBC are telling the American People to oppose EVERYTHING that you support. When you speak in favor of Hydroxi Chloroquin, we tell everyone that it's a deadly drug! 

When you (and Republican Governors) speak in favor of re-opening the economy, our allies in the news media tell the voters that you want to kill them!

As our foot soldiers burn down businesses, loot stores, and murder cops, we call you a RACIST when you promise to bring about law and order!!!!! Black Lives Matter!!!!Black Lives Matter!!!!

We shall leave you as you left us four long years the center of a cold, dead campaign. We will bury you ALIVE!!! FOR HATE'S SAKE!!!!

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