Thursday, September 18, 2014

Commander Obama's War On Ebola

El Presidente' Obama is sending 3,000 American soldiers to Africa, supposedly to fight Ebola.

This is the same genius who ordered 22 members of Seal Team 6 (the team we are told killed terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden ) to board the SAME helicopter, which was shot down, killing everybody.

This is the same President Obama who hired his own sleazy army of lawyers that disenfranchised our military voters serving overseas during the election of 2012.

This is the same President Obama who referred to the massacre at Fort Hood as workplace violence, as Islamic maniac Major Hasan Nidal opened fire on unarmed military personnel, yelling 'Allahu Akbar'.

This is the same President Obama who wants a national civilian security force as well-funded as our military.

This is the same President Obama who is purging our military of Christians and anyone who speaks out against The Administration. He is currently gutting the military, and reducing us as a superpower.

This is the same President Obama who refuses to protect our borders against invaders, even though we are hearing that ISIS is in America.

And now, he's sending 3,000 American soldiers, supposedly to fight Ebola. Maybe he should send his national civilian security force instead.

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