Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Welcome To Slander 101

Good morning, class. I am Mr. Schultz, visiting Professor. Let's get started. If you want to be a host on MSNBC like me, or work for Media Matters, you gotta learn how to smear your enemies.

Today's lesson is: If your enemy utters the word 'black', then you can call him or her a racist. This week, me and my producer really did a number on Texas Governor and presidential candidate Rick Perry. The Governor was giving a speech, and compared the national debt to 'a big, black cloud'. With a little editing trickery, we made it appear as if the Governor had compared our glorious leader, President Obama with a 'big black cloud'.

It doesn't really matter what your enemy says. He or she could be ordering a pizza. You can smear your enemy any number of ways. If your enemy exists, you can smear 'em. Have a nice day.

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