Tuesday, February 11, 2020

The Also-Rans: Give Each Democrat Presidential Candidate A Participation Trophy

Here at the RSR, I am toying with the idea of beginning a new series of reports centering on the Democrat candidates running for president.

The current president looks like he will win re-election in a landslide, and the economy is doing great. The Democrat candidates are mostly insane socialists and lying frauds, and most mainstream Democrats aren't really energized.

I think that I will call my series of reports 'The Also-Rans.'

At last week's Iowa Caucus, Amy Kloubachar proudly told her supporters that she finished within 1000 votes of beating former Vice President Joseph Biden. 

Hey Amy, Joe Biden came in 4th place.

Insane Vermont Socialist Bernie Sanders probably won the Iowa Caucus if you based it on who got the most number of votes, but The Democrat Establishment does not want him to be their candidate in November.

America is not a Socialist country, and most people with their head screwed on straight believe he will not only lose in a landslide, but he will drag the Democrat party down in down-ticket congressional races.

Actually, screwing Bolshevik Bernie over is probably the best thing that the ultra corrupt Democrats have done for the American people.in the last 25 years. If Bernie became president, people who work for a living would be rounded up and put in re-education camps.

Elizabeth Warren is a fraudulent hag. She promises everything and never mentions that the price tag for her promises will literally cost more than all the money that exists in the world.

Joe Biden has been in Washington for about 40 years, yet this corrupt weirdo yaps about all the ways that Washington has failed America.

Peter Buttigeig is the openly gay mayor of South Bend, Indiana, and he MAY HAVE won the Iowa Caucus. Knowing how Democrats always play identity politics, we can see him losing the general election so that The Democrats can try to shame the homophobic, bigoted American people for not electing the first openly gay president.

Also-rans Kamala Harris and Corey Booker were Black candidates who dropped out of the race and blamed America for not supporting them. Perhaps they SHOULD blame he Democrat Party for not supporting them like they did for 2-term ultra-corrupt, race-baiting Black president Barack Hussein Obama.

America is a terrible, bigoted place because Black Communists don't win every time!

Next week on The Also-Rans,.....

The New Hampshire Primary is in full swing, and The Democrats SCREW UP THE VOTE COUNTS again! Oh heck, let's just give ALL the candidates a participation trophy!

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