Monday, February 3, 2020

Lifestyles Of The Corrupt And Self-Serving (With The Bidens)

Hello, self-serving wishes and corruptocrat dreams!

This is Robin Leach, reporting from the corrupt capital of Washington DC, where filthy-rich, uber-corrupt Democrats investigate President Trump, the only elected official in this town who has gotten POORER SINCE BEING ELECTED!

This week, we have more impeachment proceedings in the Senate Building, and President Trump's dream team of lawyers and legal scholars are cleaning Team Schiff's clocks. Adam Schiff's gang of gas-lighting House Managers can't even manage to tell the truth!

They have charged the president with 'abuse of power' and 'obstructing Congress'. President Trump considered not releasing funds to the corrupt Ukrainian government, and in the Democrats world, this constitutes 'abuse of power!'

(Impersonating a sniveling Democrat): Someone needs to tell this interloper that this world is ran by corrupt oligarchs and slimy government officials, and we don't need anyone to 'drain the swamp!'

The Democrats charge that the president threatened to withhold aid to the previous Ukrainian government. A few years back, Former Vice-President and current Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden bragged about telling the Ukrainians to fire the investigator investigating his playboy son Hunter or his boss Barack Obama will withhold Ukrainian aid!

Biden's son Hunter was put on the corporate board of  Ukrainian natural gas company Burisma, and he was paid over $80,000 each month, even though he was completely unqualified. Biden's opponents charge Hunter Biden was put on the board because his Dad Joe was Barack Obama's Vice-President.

To the House Democrats, fighting corruption and draining the swamp constitutes 'abuse of power', while influence peddling is just 'the way things are done.'

President Trump is upsetting their corruption apple cart. No wonder The Democrats want him impeached and removed from office!

Well, that's it for this week's show. Next week we visit Speaker Nancy Pelosi! Toodeloo from Washington DC!


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