Sunday, July 24, 2011

Page 1 (George Soros-The 6,666 Page, Unauthorized Biography)

"Congratulations, master. It's a boy!"
Hell exploded loudly. Molten springs danced inside Soros' maternity ward, as the young concubine's birth canal caught on fire.
George Dracul Soros was ushered into the world. The year was 1490, and the newly-born spawn already had plans for world domination.  Media Matters won't even exist for another 500 years, yet the baby Soros was already signed up for London's School For Economics Fall quarter, 1951. As George's father cradled him in his large, red arms, he growled softly:

"Oh, my little one. Together, we are going to usher in such sublime heartaches to that old fogey's (Yahweh) creation. Together, we will make him rue the day he ever threw me out of Heaven! We will break currencies. We will legalize drugs, leaving a trail of brain-dead zombies in your wake! You will take over the Democrat Party U.S.A.! Then, as the heavenly host wails uncontrollably, I will spit molten lava into the face of God!"

But for Soros to take over the Democrat party U.S.A., there had to be a U.S.A. By 1490, the Muslims had conquered much of Europe, so Spain's Queen Isabella...(continued on page 2)

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