Wednesday, December 9, 2020

This Is Robert Stack, And This Is Unsolved Election Mysteries

Tonight, on Unsolved Election Mysteries........

Incumbent President Donald Trump has a commanding lead on Election Night, but leftists in deep-blue cities known for election corruption STOP the counting of votes. As America wakes up the next day, The President's lead evaporates. Hundreds of thousands of votes that go ONLY for Democrat Joe Biden appear. Were these mail-in votes, or were Democrat campaign workers 'busy finding' ballots for Biden?

Also on Unsolved Election Mysteries.....

President Trump recieves at least 10,000,000 more votes than in 2016, but  still LOSES??? Are we to believe that more Americans cast their votes for Slow-Joe Biden than ever voted for Barack Obama?????

Also on Unsolved Election Mysteries......

Suitcases of votes, Idiots on social media bragging about committing voter fraud, vote harvesting, machines turning millions of Trump votes into Biden votes, Democrats bribing Native-Americans to vote for Biden......but the entire mainstream 'news media' refers to accusations of this criminal activity as 'baseless.'

That, and more, on Unsolved Election Mysteries......

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