Tuesday, October 6, 2020

The Nomination Of Amy Coney Barrett: A Commentary By Sister Mary Brokenknuckles:

After the passing of Judge Ruth Bader-Ginsberg, President Trump nominated Law Professor and Judge Amy Coney-Barrett to replace the celebrated liberal on the United States Supreme Court.

Leftists have wasted no time in expressing their anger with the nomination. Many leftists want to wait until after the presidential election, and they hope that leftist Joe Biden wins. 

Democrat Senators want to pack the court with pro-Abortion liberals, and they oppose Judge Amy Coney Barrett because she's a conservative Catholic. Here to comment on this is our own firebrand Faith correspondent, Sister Mary Brokenknuckles:

God Bless our wonderful President Donald Trump, and his magnificent Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney-Barrett.

Judge Barrett is a graduate of Notre Dame University, and a mother of SEVEN children. Two of her kids were adopted from the poverty-stricken island country of Haiti. GOOD LORD, SHE'S LIKE A VERY LOVELY, YOUNG MOTHER THERESA!!! 

This babe was sent from heaven! No wonder godless, pro-abortion fanatic leftists hate her!

God forgive the racist leftist douche professor from Boston University, Ibtam X. Kendi, who accused the angelic judge of 'racially-colonizing' the two children from Haiti she and her husband adopted. I would love to wrap his knuckles bloody with my ruler, though.

Of angelic Judge Barrett, Democrat Commie Hosebag Senator Dianne Feinstein said 'The dogma lives loudly with you.'  Of Senator Feinstein I say 'The anti-Catholic bigotry lives loudly with you.' It seems that this bigotry lives loudly on CNN, MSNBC, ABC NEWS, NBC NEWS, CBS NEWS, THE NEW YORK TIMES, THE WASHINGTON POST, AND HOLLYWOOD, TOO.

The REAL reasons why they hate her is because she is a conservative AND President Trump nominated her. Do you remember what the Satanic Army From Hell did to Judge Brett Kavanaugh during his confirmation two years ago? They brought false witness hussies to accuse Judge Kavanaugh of rape! They tried to destroy his family!

I pray that the Republicans are girding their loins. This confirmation process might turn into Armageddon!

The left wants to wait until AFTER the election when they hope that Biden can nominate a pro-abortion judge, but even RBG herself said that the president picks the judges, even in the fourth year of a 4-year term.

I think that I'm like most Americans. I want The Senate to confirm this terrific nominee for The Supreme Court. God Bless America.

Sister Marie 

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