Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Remember When Obama Boasted That He Would 'Fundamentally Transform The Country?'

The OBiden REGIME have swung our borders wide open, and millions of illegal aliens are walking over our borders. Here they come....Rapists, drug cartels, and people who couldn't make THEIR countries better, and the so-called experts tell us they will make America better.. 

In deep blue cities, large, violent groups of looters and rioters hitiing stores and hurting Normal-Americans, while the police do nothing to stop them. The government destroys what's left through shut-downs, regulations, and harsh taxes.

In the leftist stranglehold of California, there's nsane talk of Reparations, based on just skin color. The People are divided, and the media feeds the division. Obama started this.

The left is burning down our country, and burning down the system. In Democrat blue areas, it's almost impossible for a conservative to get a fair trial. The jury pools are so full of hate, and it's become so politicized, that if you're a Trump supporter, you'll be convicted even if there is NO  evidence that you ever broke any law. 

Meanwhile, Obama's shock tropps BLM and AntiFa terrorize America as Democrats deny they even exist.

Americas is becoming a banana republi with a two-tiered legal system.

District Attorneys refuse to prosecute violent Black perpetrators.....and if you're White, don't come to anyone's defence or YOU will be frog-marched and prosecuted by lunatic Soros D.A.'s.

Mentally-ill Democrats kill innocent Americans, and other mentally-ill Democrats in power propose that we take guns away from menatlly-healthy, decent Americans.

Black supremacists assault White Americans as the media gaslights America, screaming that White Supremacists are the problem. It seems like everyone and everything is racist now, except for actual racism

By the way....

....Do you remember when Obama boasted that he would 'fundamentally transform the country'?

Well, here we are.

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