Thursday, March 21, 2024

Letitia James, The Scourge Of New York

As everybody knows, New York Attorney General Letitia James is currently the most evil presence in the universe, so we welcome the extremely evil Vigo The Carpathian (also known as Prince Vigo, Von Homburg Deutschendorf, Scourge of Carpathia, Sorrow of Moldavia, Vigo the Cruel, Vigo the Torturer Vigo the Despised, Vigo the Unholy) to explain to us just what bad a person Leticia James is:

Hello, you puny Americans,

I am Vigo, The Scourge of Carpathia, The Sadness of Maldavia. On New Year's Eve 1989, I attempted to take over the world and bring a worldwide season of evil. I failed.

Now, it's 2024, and a River of Slime is flowing under New York in the form of Attorney General Letitia James. This Stalinist Goon is accomplishing something I could only dream about in my most cruel, evil mind.

She has filed bogus fraud charges against developer and former President Donald Trump, and she is trying to destroy him financially. She is robbing him of almost $500,000,000 in the guise of a 'civil fine', charging him with fraud.

This abuse of power makes me and many other evil historical characters look like Mr.Rogers. She has falsely accused Mr. Trump of over-evaluating his own property to get a bank loan. The Bank itself reports that there was no fraud, that Trump paid off the loan, and that the bank is completly satisfied with their dealing with the developer...

....but that matters not to her. What was will be no more! She said, 'I shall take EVERYTHING HE HAS POSSESSED, OWNED, OR HAS EVER BUILT, AND CONFISCATE ALL HIS ASSETS!'

I will even take his home and his Trump Tower!!!!!' Back in my day, you needed a well-armed army to storm a castle!

The grotesque, evil Queen Letitia had campaigned to 'get Donald Trump.' even attacking him for his skin color, referring to him as being 'Too pale, and too stale.' On a mountain of skulls, in HER office of pain, she sits on a throne of blood!

The SHAMELESS news media worships and sucks up to Letitia James like my creepy, little right-hand man, Dr. Janosz Poha (played by Peter MacNichol).

She isn't even trying to lock up the violent criminals running wild in the streets and subways of New York City, spending her time persecuting a man who helped build the city.  She is SO EVIL AND MAD WITH POWER I may try to get a job working for her. I am updating my resume!

There are those trying to resist her insane lust for power. The rebel New York Fire Department boo'd her, and some truckdrivers are refusing to deliver food and supplies into New York City. Many businesspeople are refusing to to business in Gotham, and law-abiding New Yorkers are fleeing the city.

Will she have everyone thrown in prison and ruined financially, or just Donald Trump? What will be the result of her cruel, unconstitutional harvest of HATE? 

This is Vigo. Over and out.

Letitia James, Attorney General of New York, The Scourge of New York, Letitia the Stalinist Goon, Letitia the Cruel, Letitia the Racist, Letitia the Rotten, Letitia The Corrupt, Letitia the Confiscator

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