Sunday, January 22, 2023

Our Art Critic Responds To The New MLK Sculpture Unveiled In Boston

Our Arts Critic Gerrold Snotley responds to the new Martin Luther King scupture that was just unveiled in Boston:

'The Embrace' was supposed to depict an embrace between The Reverend Martin Luther King and his wife Coretta, but this rediculous piece is being panned all over the Internet.

At one angle, it looks like someone is carrying the largest, undigested turd ever. I would entitle this piece 'UNFLUSHED NO.2.' At another angle, it looks like a huge penis with arms growing out from it.

This mightt happen when you give $10,000,000 to someone to 'create' a 'modern art' piece. Apparently members of The Boston City Council or someone in charge saw some mock-ups, and were afraid to call it what it was for fear that they would be seen as 'racially insensitive'.

Imagine what The City of Boston could have done with that $10,000,000. The city could have used the money to create an enterprise or opportunity zone. Instead, they bought a big, bronze dookie.

At the unveiling, I understand that a child pointed at it and said 'That's a penis!' According to many reports, many Black residents have expressed their feelings of disgust. Many find the sculpture 'disrespectful.'

At several angles, this sculpture forms a shape of a heart, but at other angles, it's bound to provoke laughter, derision, or embarrassment.

I'm just glad they didn't 'erect' a statue of Christopher Columbus. The local chapter of BLM or some other racial grievance group or Cancel Cultists would probably be tearing it down.

It's quite strange that the 'artist' decided that this sculpture be 'headless.' There are no heads. We are supposed to just believe that this piece depicts The Reverend and his wife. 

I showed a video of the unveiling to a friend (She happens to be a Black artist). She just shook her head and said, OH, HELL NO.....'

I remember the hubub over the subversive art of Robert Maplethorpe and Karen Finley. Their art was DISGUSTING yet THOUGHT PROVOKING. This piece is just CONFUSING.

At least the bronze arms and hands were nicely rendered. 

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