Tuesday, August 25, 2020

SONG PARODY ALERT!! Billie Eilish Sings The DNC Themesong (I Had A Dream)

The dismal 2020 Democrat National Convention mercifully ended last week. Between Michelle Obama's threat against normal Americans, her husband's douchetastic trashing of President Trump, and presidential nominee Joe Biden's speech where he told the American people that there is nothing we can do if we do it together, it's a wonder that the switchboards at the Suicide Hotline didn't explode.

Your bushy-tailed correspondent isn't a masochist, so I didn't watch it. What I know of the DNC I heard on talk radio. I heard sound clips from this depressing, dystopian attack on President Trump and the country most of us love.

I heard that pop star Billie Eilish made a short statement where she attacked the president and threw her support behind Joe Biden. Of that, I am not surprised. On most of her songs, she usually sounds like she has over-dosed on downers

Ms. Eilish could have wrote the theme song of The Democrat National Convention, remaking one of her hits, the rather trippy, underwater  Everything I Wanted:

I had a dream. 
We elected Joe Biden.
I told you to vote
like your life depended on it

Now we're living in a nightmare. 
Your overlords they don't care
My head must have been fried (fried)
Good-bye Free-dom
Spoiled brats cried (cried, cried, cried, cried)
We didn't even notice
Now the government robs the nation
They call it 'reparations'.....

I had a dream.
We elected Kamala Harris
I am so woke, I see
now I am not free

She said 'I believed his accuser'
but I want to be his VP
I'm a vicious liar
We'll send Joe to a nursing home
Then we'll change
This evil, racist country
I take your guns and your freedom
You don't deserve it

You'll want to scream
but I will stifle your freedom
No freedom of speech
We'll rob you 'cause you're greedy

The cities are still burning
millennials still not learning

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