Tuesday, September 25, 2018

When They Go Low, We Go High

Former First Lady Michelle Obama once said 'When they go low, we go high.' I think what she REALLY meant was...........:

When a Republican plays softball, one of our supporters shoots and almost kills him.

When a Republican nominates a man for the Supreme Court, we make baseless, vicious, phony charges against him and try to force him to withdraw his nomination.

When a Republican tries to take his wife out for dinner, we harass them until they leave the restaurant. When two conservatives go out for some coffee, we harass them.

When an outsider dares to win a presidential election, we create a phony dossier, use the cable news channels to spread fake news against him, corrupt the F.B.I., and try to destroy him as well as his family.

When our enemies assemble, we send our psychotic supporters to physically assault them.

Just remember, When they go low, we go high!

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