Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Dumb NFL Jocks Pawns In Leftist Game Of 'Let's Destroy Professional Football'

Last season, quarterback Colin Kaepernick caused an uproar when he refused to stand for the National Anthem. He said it was in protest against an unjust country that oppresses people of color. He was also seen wearing socks with cartoons of pigs dressed as police.

This season, more highly-paid players are taking a knee against oppression, angering their fans. Many fans see this activity as disrespectful of the America flag and are refusing to buy NFL merchandise or watch games this season.

Here to comment is former player, Otis Mongo:

Thank you, Squirrel.

The players are just pawns in the leftist game of 'let's destroy professional football.' Leftists hate ANY institution patriotic Americans generally enjoy. The anti-America haters in the media and academia have successfully created a rift between the fans and the big, dumb jocks the fans idolize.

Over half of the players are Black. They believe the false narrative that cops are targeting Blacks, and that America is a racist place.

Many players believe there is widespread oppression, so they 'take a knee' or link arms in protest. The fans see this as disrespect of our flag, as well as American soldiers who have paid the ultimate price to protect our freedoms. Many Americans are disgusted, and have tuned out.

The players make millions each season playing the game they love, and 'feel' oppressed. They don't protest Black-on-Black crime in the inners cities, just highly publicized and extremely rare cop shootings.

Now, it looks like everyone involved is at each other's throats. The leftists are doing to the NFL what former President Barack Obama did to America for eight years.

I am asking the fans to not hate the players. The big, dumb jocks are just pawns in the leftist game of 'Let's destroy professional football'.

Thank you.

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