Friday, March 24, 2023

Andy Rooney Addresses Our Country's Two-Tiered Criminal Justice System

Andy Rooney returns, and he has questions about America's two-tiered criminal system:

Have you ever noticed that Democrats are trying to persecute and railroad Republicans into prisons, while running their crime syndicate unchallenged? What in the heck is happening to our country?

Porn star Stormy Daniels tried to extort former President Donald Trump, but Mannhatten D.A. Alvin Bragg is planning to INDICT the former President. I'm old enough to remember when extortion was illegal. Someone must have changed the laws. Now we indict THE VICTIMS of crime.

The Manhatten D.A. has an extremely flimsy case against the former President, and in a world not completely consumed in corruption, it would be quickly dismissed. Meanwhile, Trump's opponent in 2016 Hillary Clinton blatantly broke campaign laws when she used campaign cash to buy a false dossier that smeared her opponent.

She was allowed to quietly pay a fine. No handcuffs, no indictment. HOW CAN THIS BE?

Hundreds of hard-working, everyday Americans are rotting in Biden's gulags because they question the honesty of the 2020 presidential election. They stand accused of 'insurrection', but according to recently released video, they acted more like tourists shown around The Capital Building by helpful Capital police.

Meanwhile, The Democrat shock troops BLM and AntFa burned down entire neighborhoods during the riots of 2020. If you asked CNN about this they would only describe this violence as 'mostly peaceful.'

Mostly peaceful. Riiiiight.

The Clintons, The Obamas, and The Bidens have made a fortune through money laundering and influence peddling, much of the time selling the American People out to OUR ENEMIES....AND THEY'RE Indicting Donald Trump???!!!! He didn't even accept his presidential salary!

The world is backwards and upside-down!

One minute before Trump won his party's nomination for president in 2016, he was extremely popular with almost everybody. Late-night hosts liked having him as a guest, Black groups gave him awards, and his TV show 'The Apprentice' was a ratings winner. The next minute, the so-called news media started smearing him. It has NEVER stopped. 

To these lying creeps, suddenly Orange Man Bad is the worst racist and sexist to have ever existed. 

The crooked GLOBALIST DC establishment has never forgave him for fighting on behalf of The American People, and for upsetting their money laundering and corruption applecart. The war profiteers lost out during The Donald Trump Years. 4 years of peace and prosperity.....WE CAN'T HAVE THAT!!!!

To paraphrase the great Comedian George Carlin, 'Trump was never in THE CLUB.' Neither are the Americans languishing in Biden's gulags. Neither are you.

The criminals running our criminal justice system break down doors like The Gestapo, harrassing Americans like 70-year-old Roger Stone. Trump aide Peter Navarro was arrested at at DC airport, and put in LEG IRONS. Apparently, they mistook him for Hannibal Lector.

Biden's injustice department is treating normal, concerned parents like 'domestic terrorists.' Us normal , TRADITIONAL Americans know this is plain NUTS!

This clown Alvin Bragg, as well as many other city District Attorneys are financed by George Soros, who has repeatedly said that he IS TRYING TO DESTROY AMERICA. These D.A.'s set murderers, rapists, and car-jackers free while cities defund the police.

After Biden's awful, offensive State Of The Union Speech, newly-elected Arkansas Governor Sarah Sanders-Huckabee described the current battle not of Republican vs. Democrat, but of Normal vs. Crazy.

What's their end goal? Criminalizing all opposition, and political speech that they may disagree with? How can Democrats tolerate this? I'm a Democrat, but this is sickening. Pardon my French, but this is plain BULLSHIT! Everyone must know by now that Trump is being politically persecuted. 

Let's get together, and stop this craziness. The world is watching.

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