Monday, September 21, 2020

A Mama Thelma Harper Commentary: Joe Biden's Got Splinters In The Windmill Of His Mind

Here with her commentary about the Joe Biden campaign is America's 'Mama., Thelma Harper':

What the Hell is wrong with the Democrat party? They nominate a candidate with splinters in the windmill of his mind, Creepy Joe Biden. Half the time it looks like he doesn't even know where he is or who he is. Now, it's bad for a candidate to lie, but this hair-smelling weirdo is even worse.

He's a liar with a bad memory! He's got a screw loose! His lies are so obvious and easy to detect if you're just paying attention to what he says.

Biden says he won't end fracking, just that he will put an end to 'new fracking.' WHAT KIND OF IDIOTC DOUBLETALK IS THAT??? Whenever someone digs a hole it's always a new hole! Slow Joe says that he will stop energy companies who are 'destroying our planet.' 

The planet was here millions of years before us puny humans appeared on the scene, and it will be here long after we're gone. The climate is always changing, and people who work for a living aren't wrecking anything. Most working Americans are sick of some liberal jack-ass laying a guilt trip on them!

Then, in one of his TV ads, he says that he won't raise our taxes. BULLSHIT! The Green New Deal will wreck our economy all by itself and will cost us trillions! Anybody who supports Alexandria Ocasio- Cortez's Green New Deal is AN ORDER OF FRIES SHORT OF A HAPPY MEAL!!!

In the same ad, he promises to raise taxes on the rich. In Slow Joe's world, 'the rich' are evil, moustache-twirling  villians who do nothing but count their money and laugh at us 'little people'. The rich people he is referring to also work for a living, not his influence-peddling family. 

Slow Joe says nothing about violent Marxists Black Lives Matter and the riots happening across the country, but as soon as it hurts him in the polls, suddenly he's all over the TV telling the American People that he's against the riots. Then he has the nerve to tell our wonderful President to get on board.

Somebody tell Sloe Joe that President Trump has been leading on this since the riots began in May.

Slow Joe says that Covid 19 will kill 200,000,000 Americans, and that President Trump is responsible for each death!!! Joe's elevator doesn't go all the way to the top!

Now, Democrat leaders are telling him that he should NOT debate The President. They know Biden is a senile, lying gaffe machine. Heaven forbid he wins, and The Dems put him in a nursing home. Then you'll have President Kamala Harris in The Oval Office! 

I think I'll wrap this commentary up now. I feel like I need to pray for President Trump and our country.



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