Tuesday, April 9, 2019

This Week In American History (With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez)

Today we introduce a new feature on RSR, with our new correspondent, New York Representative and historian Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Each week, Ms. Ocasio-Cortez will give you, my readers, a history lesson. Take it away:

Thank you, Mr. RedSquirrel.....

Today's lesson deals with those evil Republicans who stopped our greatest president, Franklin Delano Roosevelt from serving a 4th, 5th, or even a lifetime term as President.

As you should know, this greatest president ever is responsible for The New Deal as well as The Great Society, where many Americans made a fortune digging holes and re-filling them.

In 1945, the Republicans ended The New Deal by stacking The Supreme Court and introducing the Twenty-Secondededed Amendment, which limited our greatest president to only 4 terms.

The rich Republicans couldn't stand our super-duper President, and made it really hard for him to single-handedly end World War 2. 

If those jealous Republicans weren't so obsessed with stopping FDR, he would've served into the 1970's, and we would've stopped Nixon or even Reagan from wrecking America.

This is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and class is dismissed..............

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