Monday, November 21, 2022

SONG PARODY ALERT! The Beatles And The Attack On Paul Pelosi (David Depape's Silver Hammer)

A  few weeks ago, there was a strange news story involving Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband Paul. He was alone in their San Francisco house with a male prostitute named David DePape. The Speaker's husband called the police, and when the police arrived, the two were in their underwear fighting over a hammer. 

Paul Pelosi had referred to DePape as 'a friend' during his phone call to the police. It was reported that DePape had loudly asked 'Where is Nancy?' after entering the house'

DePape assaulted Paul Pelosi with the hammer, and was arrested. He was charged with 'attempted murder.'

The false news media immediately misidentified the attacker as a MAGA Republican. The attacker is an enthusiastic nudist and makes stuff out of hemp. When your bushy-tailed correspondent thinks of MAGA,  nudist hemp craft artists does not come to mind. DePape is also an illegal alien from Canada.

Here to tell us the weird tale of David DePapape's Silver Hammer are The Fab Four, The Beatles:

Nutty Nancy wasn't home, 

Paul Pelosi wasn't alone. He had company

He was hanging out with a male prosti-too-too-toot

Things went bad for Paul, He had to make a call

He called the police on the phone

He spoke in a relaxed toe-tow-toe-tone

When the police got to the front door, 

They found  2 men in their underwear

Then BANG, BANG, David's silver hammer 

came down on Paul Pelosi's head

Bang, Bang David's silver hammer

Now, Paul and Nancy's face is red

They said on CNN, David's a Republican

We are so annoyed 

They gaslight us about this unpleasant scene

They don't seem to care, two grown men in their underwear

There seemed to be a dispute

between the Speaker's husband and the male prostitute

When the police showed up at the scene

The violence soon began


BANG BANG, David's silver hammer 

came down on Paul Pelosi's cheeks

BANG, BANG David's silver hammer

San Fran Nan's hubby is a freak

David went to jail, They denied his bail

The story disappeared

It turns out he was a liberal weirdo-doe-doe-doe

The facts never added up, The media is so corrupt

They wanted to blame the right wing, 

They are such unhinged, lying ding-a-ling, ling, ling, lings

The news media tripped up on all their lies

Was this supposed to be an October Surprise?

BANG, BANG David's silver hammer

came down on Paul Pelosi's head

BANG, BANG, The leftist news media's collective 

face is red

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