Monday, November 7, 2022

Biden's Final Pitch

Tomorrow is Election Day, and here to give The Democrat's final pitch is the leader of their party, Joe Biden:

First of all, we Democrats don't need your votes. Just like we stole the election of 2020 as well as the election in Brazil, my team of election thieves will make sure that Democrats retain control of both houses of Congress. As my hero Joe Stalin told me just the other day, 'Elections are not determined by who votes, but WHO COUNTS the votes.'

We put forth some HORRIBLE candidates, but we are confident that we can steal any election anywhere. I can say the most indecent, hateful, incoherent, slanderous junk and you Republicans can't stop us from winning. 

We will keep counting until we win. It may take weeks.

In fact, we are watching how people vote, and we're thinking about throwing Republican voters in our secret prisons. This is a warning to all 81,000,000 Trump voters! You people are a threat to Democracy!

Remember, speech is violence. So is voting for MAGA Republicans!

All MAGA conservatives contributed to the attack on Paul Pelosi, so most of you will be recieving a visit from my Gestapo Federal Bureau of Intimidation. We will knock on your doors and give you 5 seconds to open the door before we smash the door in, making your small rugrats cry. 

You Republicans don't stand a chance! You vote, then go to work, then head home to watch the returns. We Democrat like to vote early,, stuff ballot boxes, vote for the dead, send millions of ballots to addresses where no one even lives, wage lawfare, rig vote machines, harvest votes, and invent brand new ways of cheating!!!

After we win, we will overrun your small towns with dangerous, violent criminals, kill your kids with candy laced with Fentanyl, force you to wear a slave Covid mask and take dangerous, untested drugs developed by Big Pharma. Your 8-year-olds belong to US!!!!

We will sell America out to globalists, raise your taxes, gorge on your paychecks, all the while we lie our asses off. We will chop your unborn babies to pieces, and chop your son's dick off..... 

 .....and if you oppose us, you're a NAZI!!!

We demand that you submit to us. We might allow you to take off your slave masks to eat BUGS. If we catch you buying a steak, we will investigate your bank accounts. Remember, YOU WILL OWN NOTHING AND YOU WILL BE HAPPY!!!!

Soon, it will be illegal to own a car that runs on gasoline! Everyone will be living on top of each other in 50-story high-rises. D.C. will pass more legislation that enriches us while driving you into the poorhouse!

We don't really need your vote. We hate Normal-America. Vote for us anyway......OR ELSE!


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