Friday, November 25, 2022

Debbie Downer Thanksgiving

So the always atrocious, insanely racist Joy Reid took to her show on MSNBC to complain about Thanksgiving.  We're not going to make you, our readers, suffer by telling you what she had to say.

Instead of rotting your soul, we thought we'd bring you someone more cheerful to share some thoughts about tthis great holiday:

Hi everybody, It's Debbie

As you and your families sit at the dinner table and partake in the horror that is called 'THANKSGIVING', I hope that you think about the turkeys that are raised to be murdered and eaten. What do THEY have to be thankful for? Millions of cranberries and potatoes are also  murdered. (sad trombone)

Turkeys are insulted, robbed of their dignity and giblets, and their roasted buttholess are sodomized with stuffing. It appears that this is to honor the pilgrims who raped the North American continent. I am so ashamed to be an American!. (sad gobble)

It's a fact that Thanksgiving is the number one killer of turkeys!(sad gobble gobble)

It's official........I can't have children. (sad trombone)

During the cooking of the turkey, temperatures reach about 350 degrees. Can you imagine being in that horribe heat? Global warming is going to doom us all! (sad trombone)

In the first Thanksgiving, the genocidal Pilgrims gave thanks to Their Indigenous hosts (who saved their lives) with a great feast, then they wiped them out. We are The Turks and the Native Americans are The Armenians. The guilt is killing me! (sad trombine)

The Indians gave us food and we returned the favor by giving them Turberculosis-laced blankets. (sad trombone). 

As Americans engage in this orgy of gluttony, People in Africa starve. If we don't give them our food, we deserve to be damned for eternity. Klaus Schwab says we should eat bugs. Hear! Hear! (sad buzz)

Well, that's all for now. I'm outside my parent's house. Did my family decide to do Thanksgiving somewhere else and forget to tell me about the change of holidays plans?

Where is everybody?

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