Wednesday, October 26, 2022

The Wicked Witch Of The West Endorses Gretchen Whitmer, The Wicked Witch Of The Mid-West

We have looked all over for someone who still supports The Wicked Witch of The Midwest, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, and we found one. We discovered two Whitmer supporters, but one died when a house fell on her.

Here to give her endorsement is Governor Whitman's biggest supporter:


First things first. Everybody mistakes me for Nancy Pelosi. She is a wicked witch AND she represents California, but I AM THE WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST!!! EEEEEEEE!!!!HEEHEEEHEEHEEEHEE!!

I have a message for all you my pretties. Gretchen Whitmer is coming for your vote......AND YOUR LITTLE DOG TOO!!!! She deserves your vote because she made the tough choice to shut down the state and rob you of your freedom to save you and your little brats from the deadly Covid virus!

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. That's just Gretchen's husband getting his boat out to the lake.

I was canvassing today for Governor Whitmer, riding my broom and leaving a HUGE smoke message in the sky, reading 'SURRENDER DOROTHY.......I MEAN.......SURRENDER TUDOR DIXON!!!!' That REPUBLICAN witch is running to replace Gretchen as Governor of Michigan! I bet you rotten Republicans would like to throw water on The Governor, making her melt away!

I want all you gun owners to give me your red ruby guns! I hate Glenda, The Good NRA Witch of the North, who reminds gun owners that there's power and freedom in gun ownership.

(mimics Glenda the Good Witch) 'I'm Goody-Goody Glenda the Good Witch! Don't give up your guns. There's great power in gun ownership. If you give up your guns you'll be at her mercy!'

SCREW THAT!  I want ALL the power in the hands of Governor Gretchen Whitmer, The Wicked Witch of The Midwest!

Sure, The Democrats have turned The Emerald City of Detroit into a crime-ridden dump, and shut down the schools. I know that Gretchen's opponent would like to tell the all the little munchkins and their parents (singing like Glenda) 'COME OUT! COME OUT, FROM THE COVID SHUTDOWN!!!! '

WE CAN'T LET THAT HAPPEN! We need all our flying monkey voters to swoop in and overwhelm the voting booths! See you at the polls!!! 


Sunday, October 23, 2022

SONG PARODY ALERT!!! John Fetterman Campaign Song Re-Make Of The Addams Family Themesong

Pennsylvania Senate Democrat candidate John Fetterman is just plain weird. He's soft on crime, and he dresses like a nine-year-old, hoodie-wearing bum. I understand he bought a house for $1, and he's never really worked for a living, but Democrats like him because his family is rich..

He's a cross between Bernie Sanders and Uncle Fester. He suffered a stroke earlier this year, so he relies on a computer that helps him communicate his horrific, leftist ideas. I can't imagine a worse candidate.

He supports BLM, but pulled a gun on a Black youth who did nothing wrong. When he appears in public, I hear The Addams Family Themesong:

He wants to free the felons

His head's a lumpy melon

Leftist crap. he's a' sellin'

He's John Fetterman

He's weird and he's kooky

He wears a black hoodie

His ideas are rather spooky

He's John Fetterman

He looks like Uncle Fester

He'll free killers and molesters

He'll bankrupt all you inverstors

He's John Fetterman

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Stacey Abrams: Children Are Expensive. Abort Them!

This week, Gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams (D-GA) made some incredbibly offensive statements concerning Abortion and Inflation, stating:

"Having children is why you're concerned about the price of gas. It's why you're concerned about the price of food.

Let's be clear. Having children is the reason you're worried about your price of gas. It's why you're concerned about how much food costs. For women, this isn't a reductive issue You can't divorce being forced to carry an unwanted pregnancy from the economic realties of having a child'.

Here is the candidate to explain her statement:

Thank you, RedSquirrel,

Imagine if you ciould just get RID of your unviable tissue mass. Children are costly, and if you abort your baby, you can save lots of money, and inflation won't bite you so hard!

The child you abort will no longer be your problem, and you can now live your life with far fewer expenses If you abort that tissue mass, you will free yourself of having to buy expensive hockey equipment for that unviable tissue mass someday, and you can save enough money to enjoy a night out with the girls NOW!!! 

Abortion is so much more humane than inconviencing yourself! If you abort your unviable tissue mass, you can visit KFC 3 or 4 times a week like me without having to buy baby formula!

Remember, Inflation is so much worse if you have children! Children and parents are the enemy!

If you're one of those weirdos who believe in the sanctity of life, and can't see yourself ending your pregancy, there are other options. For example, you can sell your baby to a trafficker. That way, the baby actually MAKES YOU MONEY!

If your 14-year-old is eating you out of house and home, you can sell your kid to a sex trafficker. If you'r e insane enough to have 4-5-6 children, perhaps you can tell them to go find a job. Never let them forget what a burden they are.

The overturning of Roe Vs. Wade caused this painful Inflation, not President Biden. Well, that's what I tell my voters.

Friday, October 21, 2022

What Would George Carlin Think Of Democrats These Days?

I wonder what George Carlin would have to say about the malignant narssicists running The Democratic Party if he was still around:

When Amy Klobuchar isn't eating a salad with her comb or creating a hostile work environment,  the Minnesota Senator campaigned for the Dems, and told Democrats vote for us or die!...She literally told the voters to vote for The Dems because they will stop global warming!

I've spoke about environmental wackos and this supposed threat against 'Mother Earth.' These conceited assholes literally have a God complex. They think they control The Weather!!!!People have trouble forcasting the weather NEXT WEEK. Why would you believe they know what the weather will be like 30 years from now?

They promise to clean the environment,  but have you ever seen the areas and cities they run? Homeleass camps, shit on the sidewalks, burned out neighborhoods, drug dealers on every corner. 

Another example of this stupidity is the battle against Covid. Now, most people know that viruses are gonna virus, right?. These jack-asses tell you that if you do what the government tells you, you won't get sick!!!! WHEN THE FUCK HAS THIS EVER WORKED!!!!????

(Inpersonating a Democrat weasel):Y'see, we have people who can track down every little tiny Covid thingy and we can punch it in the nose an' kill it before it can make you sick!

These corrupt, bizzare assholes ruined your businesses, told you to cover your face with a mask, and turned your kids into sick, sad, dysfunctional little NOBODIES! They sell out to Big Pharma who are giving 8-year-olds myocarditas with their 'vaccines', while telliing you that they saved your life! I almost have to believe in God now, because somebody has to judge and punish these motherfucker busybodies someday!

Then, Remember when Barack Obama was in The White House wrecking America? There were these elementary schools where these perverted weirdo teachers were teaching their little rugrats to sing songs to 'our wonderful, new Black President' (singing/ chanting) Barack Hussein Obama. MMM, MMM, MMMM!!'


If I was The President, and I heard that some idiot teacher was leading some perverted worship service in worship of me, I'd get on the horn and tell the stupid bitch to knock it off! Amy normal person would!

But Barack Obama is a conceited, arrogant , malignant narcissist.  He wrote TWO AUTOBIOGRAPHIES before anyone even knew who he was! Damn, this prick is sure full of himself!

I bet he would've loved to have Soviet-styled parades with his huge face on large posters and tanks rolling down Washington Avenue if he thought he could get away with it!

Now, I'm sorta offended when really corrupt, dishonest politicians demonize their opponents, but I'm a lot more offended when one of these jerks piss on my shoe and calls it rain! THESE DEMOCRATS ARE DRIVING ME NUTS!!!! 

Woke Democrats have goten in bed with liars in the media, and if you dare to disagree with them and actually tell the truth, THEY CENSOR YOU! Normal-Americans can feel the pain of Inflation, but this asshole Biden tells us things are great! Yeah, things are great for America's enemies. The Chinese Commies and The Taliban love this senile, corrupt jerk!

He wants to disarm The American People, but he gave billions of arms to The Taliban! He won't defend our Southern border, but he's giving away billions and billions to these corrupt Ukranian assoles!

What gets me is he thinks we believe his bullshit! The voters got rid of Trump over what? MEAN TWEETS!!??? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?????!!!!!

With Trump, we were energy independent, every group (Whites, Blacks, men, women, Latinos) were making good money, and our enemies feared us. If you prefer Biden, you need to be put in a straitjacket!

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

And Now, A 2022 Campaign Message From Moloch

And now, a campaign message from Moloch:

I am PLEASED with The Democrat Death Cult, who have made ABORTION the centerpiece of their 2022 mid-term campaign!

I greatly enjoy the TV campaign ads where The Democrats refer to 'reproductive rights', making the sacrifice of unborn babies sound almost constitutional! We need to do something about those pesky Republican stick-in-the-muds who won't go along with the practice of child sacrifice. Their refusal to make an offering to ME is quite displeasing.

We must persuade the voters that no normal American cares about the economy, or inflation, or crime, or this 'fake' crisis at The Southern Border'! We must resort to name-calling those who campaign against 'undocumented immigrants'. Remember to call these right-wing fanatics 'RACISTS'!

According to many polls, Abortion as a political issue ranks low in importance to most registered voters, so we Democrats will have to cheat to keep our majority in Congress! When Those Republicans pass voter laws, we must bend the ear of the news media by calling these laws 'JIM CROW'!

We need college-educated liberal women to vote in droves by referring to ABORTION as 'Women's Rights', using the culture and news media to make pro-life women feel like they're alone in their pro-life beliefs! We cannot allow America to live with the IDEA that this is an evenly-divided country!

When The Supreme Court overturned Roe Vs. Wade, our people in the media made it sound like The End Of The World. We cannot allow states to determine their own laws relating to Child Sacrifice! Likewise, we cannot allow parents to even know if their 12-year-old son Johnny want to chop off his penis!

If you really want to please Moloch, abort your baby. If you decide to keep your baby, perhaps change IT'S gender. There's lots of money in gender-assignment surgery., and the shedding of innocent blood pleases me greatly!

I delight in The Democrats, because they LOVE butchering the most innocent! When you butcher your baby, it pleases MOLOCH! ALL HAIL ME!!!!!


Wednesday, October 12, 2022

We Called 1,005 Ilhan Omar Supporters


We called 1,005 Ilhan Omar supporters and asked them a series of questions. Here's what we found:

79% see nothing insenstive or wrong with Omar's statement that 'The attacks of September 11, 2001 was 'a day some people did something.'

46% see nothing wrong with marrying your own brother

67$ see nothing wrong with immigration fraud.

75% would vote for an anti-Semite if he or she was a Muslim

98% would vote for Idi Amin instead of George Washington

55% agree with Ilhan Omar who said 'We need to disband the police.'

45& say they would prefer a Muslim to a Christian because 'Christians treat Homosexuals bad'.

84% believe that America is an unjust country.

65% would prefer sharia law over The Constitution.

47%  say that Trump's mean tweet harm America more than Biden threatening to start a worldwide nuclear war.

98% would vote for the Democrat no matter what.

88% believe that the 'Feeding Our Future' program was a success.

50% would like to see a jizyah tax on non-Muslims,

55% supported, excused,  or took part in the riots and looting of May/June 2020.

If you oppose Ilhan Omar and her radical agenda, vote for her Republican opponent Cicely Davis on November 8th.

Do You Remember When Democrats Weren't Crazy?

Twenty years ago this month, Minnesota Democrat Senator Paul Wellstone (pictured) died in a plane crash in Northern Minnesota. He was a mainstream liberal, a happy warrior. He treated allies and opoonents with a cheerful kindness. He would never fit in with the present-day, corrupt, ultra-woke Democrats.

Former Connecticut Senator Joe Leiberman worked across the aisle, and was thrown out of the Democrat party.

Thomas 'Tip' O'NeiL was the Democrat leader during the 8 years of Reagan. In Reagan's first battle with The Democrats, The Congress gave him an early victory, and passed his conservative agenda. 'Tip' O'Neil congratulated Reagan by telephone and wished the best for The President and The Country. 

Can you imagine insane Speaker Nancy Pelosii EVER congratulating President Trump OR working for the betterment of the country? She's too busy enriching herself, tearing up State of the Union speeches, and impeaching Orange Man Bad. She acts like she has an unclean spirit living inside her head.

If you were aware of politicians before Y2K, you might wonder just what happened to the new, modern-day Democrats.

Before the ultra-hateful, anti-American 'Squad', before Democrats went nuts with impeaching Republican Presidents over false charges,  Democrats like Paul Wellstone and Thomas 'Tip' O'Neil behaved like normal, reasonable adults.

Present-day Senate Bully Charles Schumer threatemed bodily harm to Conservative Justices of The Supreme Court. Threatening judges would be unthinkable to Paul Welllstone.If an opponent believed that his re-election was stolen, Wellstone wouldn't think of using The U.S. Justice Department to imprison protesters of the stolen election.

Crazy, corrupt Leftist Congressperson Maxine Waters from California tells her constituents to intimidate Republicans' and 'Get up in their faces.'

Now, some Democrats think that it's o.k. to 'SWAT' their opponents. 'SWATTING' is the practice of calling the police and telling them there's some undfined disturbance at a certain address. The police send officers with guns drawn. It's very dangerous. Somebody has been 'SWATTING' Republican Georgia Congresswoman Margorie Taylor-Greene.

Before he was elected to The Senate, Paul Wellstone was a well-spoken college professor who spoke eloquently for his beliefs. The current resident of The White House runs a crime family, and needs his wife to show him how to get off the stage after a poorly-delivered, word salad speech. He calls his opponents 'domestic terrorists' and 'a danger to our democracy.'

Paul Wellstone would never do this.

Before Barack Obama 'transformed America', Americans could come together, and respect views other than our own. Now, Democrats use the government to persecute their opponents. They are turning America into a third-world banana republic. Obama had a chance to bring America together, and he ripped America apart along racial lines.

Damn, I wiish we had decent Democrats like Paul Wellstone again.

Sunday, October 9, 2022

Dr. Frasier Crane Addresses The Democrats Gaslighting Of America

I am Dr. Frasier Crane, and I am listening,

Today I wish to address the Democrats continual gaslighting of The American People. 

They are trying  to make normal people doubt their sanity. They cheat, lie, and steal with an insatiable zeal and are ferocious in their tactics. Their media yes-men do their bidding, and demonize anyone who dare tell the truth.

Recently, Missourri Congressperson Cori Bush made an appearence on CNN, an literally EVERY syllable that came out of her mouth was a lie. This is typical Democrat behavior, and the media almost never calls them on their lies.

Democrats like Minnesota Senator Amy Klobachar hit the campaign trail, promising to save the world from  'climate change'. Nearly all Democrats are unbelievably conceited, thinking that they can save us from 'bad weather'. It seems that politicians lose their minds and develope something of a God Complex.

These Democrats ignore high gas prices, a crisis on our Southern border, out-of-control violent crime, inflation, stagflation, and they yammer about the hoax of climate change in the hope that we are gullible enough to surrender our freedoms. They are mad with power.

About 500 decent, hardworking Americans protested the stolen presidential election, and now they are in Biden's secret prisons, while violent thugs appear on many videos on Twitter literally murdering and assaulting complete strangers merely minding their own business.. Democrat D.A.'s refuse to charge these psychotic monsters with any crime, releasing them back to the streets to commit more mayhem. I think most Democrat leaders are sadists.

The creepy, senile fraud in The White House has the world on the brink of world nuclear war in order to protect his criminal family's money-laundering operation in The Ukraine. He never passes up an opportunity to persecute, demagogue, weaponize against, lie about, or humiliiate his opponents.

I think that Biden is a sociopath. He cannot feel empathy. He's just a corrupt robot with incredibly White teeth.. God help us all.

He knows NOTHING about how normal people work and conduct their lives. The tiny part of his brain that still functions cocentrates exclusively on being as mean, dishonest, and rotten as he can be. He is also an egomaniac. What is really scary is that he's also the dumbest individual I've ever seen, while he thinks he's the smartest.

He has The F.B.I. acting like his personal Gestapo. I have never witnessed anyone this insane. It's hard to believe that Biden actually won a presidential election, unless America has a national death wish. 

Biden voters are crazy. Perhaps electroshock therapy is called for.

I am simply amazed with Biden's approval rating of around 42%. There are a lot of Americans without a functioning brain, or maybe they're just masochists. If you voted for Biden, you need help.

So, Donald Trump said some mean stuff on Twitter. America had 4 years of peace and prosperity with Trump in The White House.. CNN and MSNBC ignored this fact, and along with Internet giants Google, Facebook, and Twitter, rigged the 2020 presidential election in Biden's favor. 

Most of these leftists are malignant narcissists, actively hurting anyone who dissagrees with them, even if it ultimately destroys everyone. Democrat Speaker Nancy Pelosi champions legislation that makes her richer, able to engage in insider information. Congress spends billions on 'foreign aid'. In actuality, it's a huge money-laundering operation.

Most Democrats have a conscience defecit, and America suffers because of it. 

Hopefully, The Voters will punish The Democrats and the media for their horrendous dishonesty, and stop some of this gaslighting so prevailent in the so-called 'news.' 

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Halloween 2022 At The Biden White House

This is The RedSquirrel Report roving correspondent, reporting from The Biden White House Halloween Party. The guests are arriving, and I saw Hunter Biden bobbing for bribes in the Main Ballroom with several Ukranian officials. Earlier I saw Nancy Pelosi in The White House laundering room.

Oh look, early arrivals General Mark Milley and Secretary of Defence Lloyd Austin have arrived in a horse costume. I hope that General Milley stays away from the bean dip. Pew!

I just saw First Lady Dr. Jill Biden in a Breakfast Taco costume! Wow, now that's a BIG sombrero! How festive!

......and Dr. Rachael Levine has arrived. HerHis costume is quite interesting. Tonight 'she' is Dr. Robert Levine, the man she was BEFORE her transgender transformation. For the doctor, EVERYDAY is Halloween!

I understand that about 50 F.B.I. agents are dressed as NAZI BROWNSHIRTS, and they're off 'trick-or-treating' at Donald Trump's Hotel and residence Mar-a-Lago.

Oh look, Democrat Senate candidate John ' Uncle Fester' Fetterman has arrived. NO costume is needed!

Nancy Pelosi is here, in a suit made of large denomination bills glued together. That 'National Debt' costume  is quite scary! YIKES!

HEY, THAT'S real money!!!!

Look over there! That's Illinois RINO Adam Kinzinger in nothing but a diaper. He has a huge pacifier in his mouth. Tell him to stop crying.......

This Halloween D.C. freakshow is in full swing!

I just got the word that The President is having trouble finding the party. He is wandering around the rose garden, and The First Lady has sent 4 Secret Service Agents out to look for him. Oh good, they've found him. 

Now he's apparently trying to shake hands with his imaginary friend, perhaps the Ghost of Grover Cleveland. He's having a conversation with a portrait of FDR. Now, he's tripping UP the stairs.

Now, he's yelling at a large bowl of popcorn balls on the Halloween table of goodies, and calling them 'domestic terrorists.' He has ordered Merrick Garland to arrest the popcorn balls and send them to one of his secret prisons. He has ordered the arrest of the bowl of orange candy corn because it REMINDS him of Donald Trump.

Oh look! There's Border Czar Kamala Harris handing out Fentanyl to the cute trick-or-treaters.

I just got word that Florida Governor Ron Desantis has sent a busload of illegal immigrants to crash this Halloween Party.....

Evil Emperor Palpatine George Soros and Barack Obama in a very convincing Moloch costume are over there, perhaps discussing how to ruin America even more. Former First Lady Michelle is wearing a large presidential seal oround her neck like a breadboard. It looks like she's declaring her presidntial candidacy.

This party is in full swing, though I hear that after November 8, many of these guests will be voted out of office. 

This is your roving correspondent, reporting from The Biden White House. Perhaps next year The President will be wearing a large duck head and carrying a crutch (lame duck) at next year's Halloween party.

Back to you, RedSquirrel!

Tuesday, October 4, 2022



SONG PARODY ALERT!! Timbuk 3 Sings The Feeding Our Future Scandal Theme Song

Here in Minnesota, we have this program for feeding hungry kids called ''Feeding Our Future', Instead of feeding hungry kids, there's been massive, rampant fraud associated with this non-profit. About 49 Democrats (including many Somalis) have been arrested, stealing around $250,000,000 from this program. 

In 1986, one-hit wonder Timbuk 3 released a top 40 hit 'The Future's So Bright I Gotta Wear Shades'. The song peaked at number 19 on the Billboard Hot 100. 

Here in 2022, we've paradied the song, and made this 1986 hit The Feeding Our Future Scandal Theme Song. Hit it:

Feeding Our Future

It's a big scandal

Now we're in big trouble

more than we can handle

They were supposed to feed the kids, They just stole the money

There was no oversight, They get a failing grade

Feeding Our Future is so rotten, corruption on full display

Corruption on display

We have 49 indictments for all of that corruption

Lots of Somalis down there in St. Pauli

This is getting bad, and it's only getting worser

The taxpayers were robbed and we were getting played

Ahmed was arrested at the airport, He was wearing shades

He was wearing shades

This is a scandal of incredible size

The taxpayers were fed a whole bunch of lies

The theft was great, and the scandal's getting bigger

Democrats in panic, It's blowing up in their face

Feeding Our Future corruption on display

Corruption on display

It's looking like the October surprise

and the voters might just open up their eyes

The theft was great, and the scandal's getting bigger

The Governor in panic, It's blowing up in his face

More indictments are coming, Timmy looks dismayed

Timmy looks dismayed..........WOOOO!!

Monday, October 3, 2022

The RSR Completely Unbiased Voter Issue Questionaire

If you plan to vote in the upcoming midterm election, you will want to know how the two parties differ on important issues: 

If you are pro-life you will tend to vote Republican.

If you believe in murdering unborn babies, and support the murder/assassination of pro-life Supreme Court Justices, you may tend to vote Democrat.

If you believe that violent criminals belong in prison, you will tend to vote Republican.

If you approve of violent crime, especially against those you disagree with politicially, you may tend to vote for Democrats.

If you believe those who commit election fraud should go to prison, you may wish to vote for Republicans.

If you believe those who protested the stolen 2020 presidential election belong in prison without even a trial, you may tend to vote for the Democrat.

If you think that voter fraud is a problem, you will probably support Republicans.

If you see voter fraud as a strategy, you will tend to vote Democrats.

If you think that violent crime is a problem, you should vote for a Republicans.

If you want an increase of violent crime (or you yourself is a violent criminal), you shoud vote for a Democrat.

If you believe that the price of gas is too high, vote for the Republican.

If you think the price of gas isn't high enough, vote for the Democrat.

If you think All Lives Matter, vote for the Republican.

If you think (Only) Black Lives Matter, vote for the Democrat.

If you think that ingenuity, hard work, and pleasing you customer should be rewarded, vote for the Republican.

If you think money laundering, corruption, and robbing the taxpayer should be rewarded, vote for the Democrat.

If you think that plumbers and mechanics should keep more of their hard-earned money, vote Republican.

If you think that money belongs to Democrat supporters (like college students or welfare recipients), vote for the Democrat.

If you support the police, vote Republican.

If you support Biden's Justice Department Gestapo ONLY BECAUSE they harass, intimidate, and persecute Trump supporters, vote Democrat.

If you think WE THE PEOPLE should run the government, vote Republican.

If you think the CCP (The Chinese Communist Party), unelected bureaucrats, and Susan Rice should run the government, vote Democrat.

If you believe that America is a Republic based on Constitutional rights, vote for Republicans.

If you think that America is a Democracy (majority or mob rules), vote for Democrats.

If your heroes are Ronald Reagan, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Donald Trump, you may tend to vote Republican.

If you think America is hopelessly racist and all statues and monuments should be torn down and replaced with statues of Communist dictators, vote Democrat.

If you want a closed Southern border, and only accept immigrants who will contribute to the American melting pot, vote Republican.

If you would rather have an open border, allowing traffickers, drug dealers, and other violent foreign criminals to overrun the country, vote Democrat.