Thursday, July 13, 2023

We're The DFL: Aren't We Great????!!!!

So, are we sick of the governor and his looney, ONE-PARTY RULE trifecta yet? Have we had enough of all the boasting over their destructive legislative output designed to rob the producers and reward babykillers, child mutilators, leftist ideologues, and the educrat unionistas?

Meisterberger Walz smugly says that 'while our enemies want to ban books, we Democrats want to banish hunger.' Can you possibly be more disengenuous, snarky, obnoxious, and weaselly? He makes it sound like Republicans are Nazi-like book burners, when if fact, Republicans are opposed to pornography in elementary school libraries. Shame on you, you bloated jerk!.

As for 'banishing hunger', I think it's too soon to accuse your opponents of 'wanting to starve kids' while trying to memory hole YOUR 'FEEDING THE FUTURE fraud and money-laundering scandal

After every awful boondoggle and highly partisan bill is passed, the pattern's the same. The DFL all get together and they take a self-congratulatory selfie. They're all smiling huge, and it is their way of taunting their opponents.

These selfies are to 2023 what the self-worshipping, state-run Soviet parades were of the 1960's and 1970's, with huge posters of dictators and tanks rolling down Red Square. The Democrats are reminding the rest of us just how 'great' they are, and that resistance to their one-party rule is futile

These arrogant narcissists are so very sure their position is THE ONLY POSITION THAT MATTERS, and that debate is a waste of time. On Abortion, they think they speak for ALL women, when in fact, you and I know women in our lives who are the STONGEST pro-lifers.

But to these leftist zealots, the other side does not matter in the least.

Some r'pro-choicers' refer to Abortion as 'women's healthcare'. If you believe that killing an unborn baby is 'women's healthcare', then you must believe a baby is a disease or a cancer to be cured. This is what the perverts have taught women for the last 50 years. Minnesota Democrats have passed the MOST radical, extreme Abortion law anywhere in THE WORLD. 

More extreme than China. More extreme than North Korea, and God help us. Yet, they continue to congratulate themselves.  The bloated guv brags that under The Democrats, Minnesota is the best place to raise your kid. 

That is, if the state doesn't aborrt your kids. Or mutilate them. He also ignores the explosion in violent crime in The Twin Cities.

To their perverted, upside-down way of thinking, you are VIOLATING a child's rights if you allow THEIR parents to have any say in their sexually-confused child's life. These filthy weirdos, led by top trans activist Leugh Finke, believe that if you refuse to allow your confused, 9-year-old, child to mutilate tthemselves, or take puberty=blockers, the state should TAKE YOUR CHILD AWAY FROM YOU.  

They won their trifecta by lying and panicking voters over Roe vs. Wade, and operate the state like we're California. They don't care if they have a 1 seat majority in The Minnesota Senate.

They just run over their moderate Republican opposition, and then they congratulate themselves, taking selfies that look like pictures from a Middle School yearbook.

The pictures tell us how much fun they're having, and scream 'WE'RE THE DFL, AREN'T WE GREAT!!!!????

No, you're lousy.

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