Monday, July 3, 2023

No Official 4th Of July Fireworks Display In Minneapolis

Tomorrow is The 4th of July, also known as America's Independence Day. In 1776, our Founding Fathers declared our indepedence from England, and our country traditionally celebrates this day with parades, cook-outs, and with firework displays.

But there again, you might reside in Minneapolis, Minnesota. In the last few years The City of Lakes have become more well known as the place where George Floyd died, and the subsequent riots of 2020.

It was announced that Minneapolis will not have an official 4th of July fireworks display.......and why WOULD it? Minneapolis isn't really an American city, but rather, a very foreign city located in Minnesota. 

For the most part, the residents of Minneapolis aren't proud of America, but for having the largest Somalian population outside of Somalia itself. One of these days the leftists and trans activists who run this anti-cop dystopia should re-name the city 'Minnedishu'. Gangs of young Somalians spend their weekends assaulting scores of bar-hopping students attending The University of Minnesota.

The Sodomites are loud and proud in Minneapolis during June's Pride Month. 'Coming out of the closet' in Minneapolis means 'telling your friends or showing strangers that you're a conservative Donald Trump supporter'. Don't wear a red MAGA baseball cap on the light rail trains or you might get yourself in a fight with a gang of Black yutes.

Instead of a fireworks display, the city announced there was to be a laser show. There was one heck of a laser show that Thursday after George Floyd died. If I recall correctly, several Minneapolis policemen were made blind.

Maybe that's why leftist Minnepolitans prefer the laser show.

The arrival of Independence Day comes under two weeks after a new federal holiday 'Juneteenth', and many Americans tend to think of 'Juneteenth' as a replacement for Independence Day.

So, there will be no official Independence Day fireworks display in Minneapolis. I'm sure there's a Black neighborhood having a nice 'Julyteenth' barbeque. Just watch out for the gangs.

Instead, just take a trip to Duluth. They always have a terrific 4th of July fireworks display at the lakefront (weather permitting). They will also have patriotic music during the display and an open air concert before the fireworks begin.

Happy Independence Day, and be careful out there.

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