Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Ralphie Wiggum: President Biden Is Going A Great Job!

Unlike the bigwigs at Twitter and Facebook, we here at RSR believe in hearing all points of view. Here to defend Slow-Joe Biden's job performance is his Junior Regime Spokeman:

Oh no! I just accidently stuck my head up my ass! Help! 

There, it's out. Our terrific President has interrupted his vacation at Camp David, and is hard at work to fix this Taliban problem. We were surprised by the speed of the Taliban's route and conquest of Afghanistan. The Taliban conquest was quicker than the time I stuck my tongue to the flagpole at school. My tongue was stuck before I even knew it!

Now, psychotic Taliban fighters are going door to door and taking women between the ages of 15-40 as sex slaves. Women caught not wearing hijabs are being shot to death, and Afghan soldiers surrendering are being executed.......

......but at least we got rid of that Orange Meanie Trump! YAY!!! 

I must admit, even I knew it was a terrible decision to pull our troops out before getting our American civilians out. But, I guess nobody's perfect. Not even our wonderful president.

I watched the news and saw all those desperate people trying to get on that last flight. I saw people falling off the planes. It was TERRIBLE! It was almost as bad as me and my parents missing that fight to Grandma's for Thanksgiving! 

The good news is that America is like The Pottery Barn. We broke Afghanistan, so now we will fix the situation by taking in millions of refugees. We hope they're all Democrats, or Orange Man Bad could return to The White House in 4 years!

I like eating Play-Doh.

President Biden thought it was unpossible for The Taliban to conquer Afghanistan so quickly, but he had a plan. If things went badly, he could always blame Orange Man Bad! What an incredible leader!

The worst thing about losing Afghanistan is that The Taliban is taking control of the Poppy fields, and the President's son Hunter will have to buy illegal drugs from terrorists. Dang it!

The administration did give The Taliban terrorists an early Christmas present by leaving weapons behind worth millions of taxpayer dollars. I understand that our wonderful President will recieve the Taliban 'Employee of the Month' award next month.

Our wonderful president just gives and gives.................

Well, that's all for now. I'm hungry. Are there any Tide Pods around here?

Ralphie : )

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