Friday, July 12, 2024

Which Presidential Candidate Is UNFIT To Be President???

Mean-spirited Dictator OBiden's Army of Unhinged, Congressional, Leftist Lunatics impeached Donald Trump AFTER he left office in 2021. Then, they unleashed corrupt Soros D.A.'s to have him thrown in prison for the rest of his life, and have tried to have him struck from presidential ballots. It has been one rediculous, over-the-top dirty trick after another.

They have called him 'Adolph Hitler', a 'danger to our democracy', and their Army of gaslighting media whores have repeated  the lie that he intends to throw his enemies in prison. The narcissistic Trump-haters in Hollywood tell us they will leave America if Trump wins the 2024 election.

Actually, his media and political enemies are The ENEMIES OF THE COUNTRY.

The Democrats say they're 'saving democracy' by 'importing illegal aliens, packing the Supreme Court, censoring social media, and having their opponents (called 'insurrectionists') thrown in prison.'

It is the Bidenistas who have filled THEIR gulags with everyday Americans who dared protest the stolen 2020 election! If you really want to know what The Democrats are guilty of, just listen to them accuse their enemies of what they themselves are guilty of doing.

Now, they're bringing back the tired, old 'Trump is unfit to be President' lie. They completely ignore the fact TRUMP WAS ALREADY THE PRESIDENT, AND HE ALREADY DID AN OUTSTANDING JOB!

Saying that Trump is unfit to be president is like saying that Patrick Mahomes is 'unfit to be an NFL Quarterback' as he is accepting the Superbowl MVP AWARD!! it is laughable!!!

As President, Trump brought 3 years of Peace and Prosperity before The Democrats and The ChiComs unleashed Covid, shutting down The country. Then, they blamed Trump.

2024 Candidate Trump has shown incredible discipline, sticking to the issues, and refusing to jump all over Biden's failing candidacy. 

At their CNN debate two weeks ago, Trump performed extremely well, while Biden floundered. Behind closed doors, Biden's supporters are mortified with his terrible performance. Many of his most loyal suckups are now panicking, calling on Biden to drop out of the race.

Just yesterday, Biden's declining cognitive skills were again exposed when he referred to Ukranian President Zelenskyy as ' President Putin'. Later on, he held a gaffe-filled press conference where he referred to a Vice-President 'Trump', and took pre-selected questions from pre-selected members of 'the press.' There was also a teleprompter there to tell him what to say.

Republicans were happy that Biden made it through the press conference because that meant that Biden will probably stay in the race. 

The Trump-haters refer to Trump as 'convicted felon', but that's like referring to Jewish Holocaust  victim Anne Frank as 'a fugitive from the law.' Donlad Trump has done nothing wrong, but he's being persecuted by corrupt Soros D.A.'s because he's leading in the presidential polls and they want him knocked out of the race.

He is 'unfit' because he is a threat to The Democrat's corruption applecart. They are trying to destroy him before he destroys the Deep State. So, the question is 'Who is UNFIT to serve as The President of The United States? Perhaps we should let The American People decide in November.

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