Friday, July 19, 2024

Dr. Frasier Crane: What is Wrong With These TDS Cases?

Following the attempted assassination of former/future President Donald Trump on Saturday, we have been subjected to hundreds of malcontent nutjobs taking to Twitter/X and TikTok lamenting the would-be assassin Thomas Crook's failed assassination attempt.

There are some people out there on Social Media wishing death on father, husband, and national leader Donald Trump. Others are saying that Trump himself staged the assassination to gain sympathy. We asked RSR's resident psycho-analyst Dr. Frasier Crane to try to explain what makes these people tick:

Hello, RedSquirrel Report Readers, I am listening......

On Saturday, President Donald Trump was speaking at an outdoor rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, when shots rang out. CNN 'reported' that there a a noise, and Trump merely lost his footing.

As we eventually found out, a bullet grazed The Republican presidential candidate's ear, coming within an inch of killing him. Supporter- attendee Corey Comperatore was killed and two others were seriously injured. A police sniper killed the would-be assassin.

Americans watched the incident on live TV, and were horrified. However, some Americans took to Twitter and TikTok to tell the world that they were 'disappointed' the assassin didn't kill Trump.' What is wrong with these people? 

Are these people just narcisstic attention hounds, or are they mentally ill? After eight years of intense Media demonization of this man, are there people out there who believe that killing Donald Trump would actually be good for society.

Many of these maladjusted loons stuck their faces inches away from their cell phones, and told the world they wish Trump was killed. Others took to Twitter, and within hours we know where they worked (if they had jobs). Many of these leftists are government employees or 'work' in public schools. 

I would agree that these mental cases are in need of good old-fashioned shame-therapy. They should be publicly shamed, and f they're employed, their employers should be made aware that they have an employee who publicly wished death on another human being. 

One wonders if these people have hate issues, or if they're are on drugs, or they have no conscience at all. The man who attempted to assassinate President Reagan did it to impress actress Jodie Foster.

I am not suggesting that these off-kilter smart-alecks be put in straitjackets or given electroshock therapy. Maybe they're just craving attention, which is quite common in the 'social media/ selfie' age. Perhaps they say what they say because it's a cry for help, or they want more 'Retweets' and 'Likes' from others who also hate Donald Trump.

I conclude they're just LEFTIST ASSHOLES. There's a lot of leftist assholes on Twitter and TikTok. You can easily find them 'trending'.

Finally, these maladjusted whackjobs may have been driven to their madness by 'The Media'. They're probably crazy, but not 'Joy Reid Crazy' or 'Charles Manson Crazy'. In some recent studies, some of my colleagues are finding that watching MSNBC, CNN, or The View actually destroys viewer brain cells. 

Let's take solace in the fact that these weirdos don't have the ambition of The Manson Family Killers, or we would be in trouble. They're just malcontents who need to be wapped on the nose with a rolled-up newspaper.

I am Dr. Frasier Crane, and I am wishing you Good Mental Heath! Good Night!

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