Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Replacement Theory Is Not A Theory

If you have never heard the term 'Replacement Theory' and decided to Google it, chances are you would probably wind up believing that it's just a dangerous, Right-Wing conspiracy theory for racist, White-Christian Nationialist Nazis. 

But if you look at what is really happening in the country, these so-called conspiracy theorists always seem be proven right.

The country was defrauded when The Democrats stole the 2020 presidential election, and President Donald Trump was replaced by corrupt, senile fraud Joe Biden.

On Day 1, Biden opened the southern border to millions of illegal aliens. Many of them are violent criminals from the third world. Hundreds of Americans have been murdered so far, and the third-world criminal element have took their place.  

The Democrats know that most Americans would never vote for what The Democrat Party has become, so they allow illegals to flock across our border and quickly register them to vote in our elections.

The Democrat's leading sugar-daddy George Soros installed easy-on-crime District Attorneys across America. Soros BOASTS that soon he will realize his dream of DESTROYING AMERICA.

Democrats allow UNVETTED illegals in the country because they couldn't care less for the American People, They only care for their own personal lust for power. These illegal aliens are put up in luxury hotels and given incredibly generous welfare benefits by the crooks in the government while American veterans sleep on park benches.

It's a mistake to say that only White Americans are being replaced. The crooks in the government want us all replaced with foreigners who couldn't care less for the country, but are happy to vote for the generous benefits.

Recently, The Republicans passed The SAVE ACT in The House which mandates proof of citizenship for voters, WHILE ALMOST ALL OF THE DEMOCRATS VOTED AGAINST IT. The Democrats wants us replaced and our votes CANCELLED OUT WITH ILLEGAL VOTERS. 

Normal, everyday Americans need to learn that DEMOGRAPHY IS DESTINY. America used to be for Americans, but The Democrats are threatening that idea, using leftists in the media and the indoctrination of America's youth.

They don't care if we're overrun with foreign, third-world criminals, drugs, and human traffickers. They only care for their naked kust for power. The American People must stop these crooks, and replace the Communistic Democrat crooks with America-First patriotics.

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