Wednesday, July 31, 2024

J.D. Vance Is Just Plain Weird

The newest chanting point among Democrats is to say that Donald Trump's Vice-Presidential running mate J.D. Vance is 'just plain weird.' Vance is straight, happily married, and loves his wife and his two children. What a weirdo.

He was born into poverty, but has worked hard to get ahead. Democrats believe in punishing people with jobs. This is the political party of bald cross-dressers who steal luggage and politicians who support the killing of babies on their due date. 

I think it's weird that the Democrats threw their support behind a man to sticks his snout into the necks of 11 year-old girls, but won't even acknowedge that he has a 4-year-old grand-daughter Navy Jones. That's just plain weird.

These intolerant leftists remind me of that 'Twilight Zone' episode 'Eye of The Beholder', where the uglos treat the attractive woman like she was the freak. 

Joe Biden accuses Donald Trump of 'threatening democracy', and his army of leftists act as if J.D. Vance is a threat to 'society.'.  You MUST ACCEPT THE WOKE AGENDA! BLM thugs, AntiFa shock troops, criminally queer semi-naked Pride Month Paraders, and drag queens performing in front of 8-year-olds are NOT WEIRD. 

J.D. Vance is! 

Friday, July 19, 2024

Dr. Frasier Crane: What is Wrong With These TDS Cases?

Following the attempted assassination of former/future President Donald Trump on Saturday, we have been subjected to hundreds of malcontent nutjobs taking to Twitter/X and TikTok lamenting the would-be assassin Thomas Crook's failed assassination attempt.

There are some people out there on Social Media wishing death on father, husband, and national leader Donald Trump. Others are saying that Trump himself staged the assassination to gain sympathy. We asked RSR's resident psycho-analyst Dr. Frasier Crane to try to explain what makes these people tick:

Hello, RedSquirrel Report Readers, I am listening......

On Saturday, President Donald Trump was speaking at an outdoor rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, when shots rang out. CNN 'reported' that there a a noise, and Trump merely lost his footing.

As we eventually found out, a bullet grazed The Republican presidential candidate's ear, coming within an inch of killing him. Supporter- attendee Corey Comperatore was killed and two others were seriously injured. A police sniper killed the would-be assassin.

Americans watched the incident on live TV, and were horrified. However, some Americans took to Twitter and TikTok to tell the world that they were 'disappointed' the assassin didn't kill Trump.' What is wrong with these people? 

Are these people just narcisstic attention hounds, or are they mentally ill? After eight years of intense Media demonization of this man, are there people out there who believe that killing Donald Trump would actually be good for society.

Many of these maladjusted loons stuck their faces inches away from their cell phones, and told the world they wish Trump was killed. Others took to Twitter, and within hours we know where they worked (if they had jobs). Many of these leftists are government employees or 'work' in public schools. 

I would agree that these mental cases are in need of good old-fashioned shame-therapy. They should be publicly shamed, and f they're employed, their employers should be made aware that they have an employee who publicly wished death on another human being. 

One wonders if these people have hate issues, or if they're are on drugs, or they have no conscience at all. The man who attempted to assassinate President Reagan did it to impress actress Jodie Foster.

I am not suggesting that these off-kilter smart-alecks be put in straitjackets or given electroshock therapy. Maybe they're just craving attention, which is quite common in the 'social media/ selfie' age. Perhaps they say what they say because it's a cry for help, or they want more 'Retweets' and 'Likes' from others who also hate Donald Trump.

I conclude they're just LEFTIST ASSHOLES. There's a lot of leftist assholes on Twitter and TikTok. You can easily find them 'trending'.

Finally, these maladjusted whackjobs may have been driven to their madness by 'The Media'. They're probably crazy, but not 'Joy Reid Crazy' or 'Charles Manson Crazy'. In some recent studies, some of my colleagues are finding that watching MSNBC, CNN, or The View actually destroys viewer brain cells. 

Let's take solace in the fact that these weirdos don't have the ambition of The Manson Family Killers, or we would be in trouble. They're just malcontents who need to be wapped on the nose with a rolled-up newspaper.

I am Dr. Frasier Crane, and I am wishing you Good Mental Heath! Good Night!

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Replacement Theory Is Not A Theory

If you have never heard the term 'Replacement Theory' and decided to Google it, chances are you would probably wind up believing that it's just a dangerous, Right-Wing conspiracy theory for racist, White-Christian Nationialist Nazis. 

But if you look at what is really happening in the country, these so-called conspiracy theorists always seem be proven right.

The country was defrauded when The Democrats stole the 2020 presidential election, and President Donald Trump was replaced by corrupt, senile fraud Joe Biden.

On Day 1, Biden opened the southern border to millions of illegal aliens. Many of them are violent criminals from the third world. Hundreds of Americans have been murdered so far, and the third-world criminal element have took their place.  

The Democrats know that most Americans would never vote for what The Democrat Party has become, so they allow illegals to flock across our border and quickly register them to vote in our elections.

The Democrat's leading sugar-daddy George Soros installed easy-on-crime District Attorneys across America. Soros BOASTS that soon he will realize his dream of DESTROYING AMERICA.

Democrats allow UNVETTED illegals in the country because they couldn't care less for the American People, They only care for their own personal lust for power. These illegal aliens are put up in luxury hotels and given incredibly generous welfare benefits by the crooks in the government while American veterans sleep on park benches.

It's a mistake to say that only White Americans are being replaced. The crooks in the government want us all replaced with foreigners who couldn't care less for the country, but are happy to vote for the generous benefits.

Recently, The Republicans passed The SAVE ACT in The House which mandates proof of citizenship for voters, WHILE ALMOST ALL OF THE DEMOCRATS VOTED AGAINST IT. The Democrats wants us replaced and our votes CANCELLED OUT WITH ILLEGAL VOTERS. 

Normal, everyday Americans need to learn that DEMOGRAPHY IS DESTINY. America used to be for Americans, but The Democrats are threatening that idea, using leftists in the media and the indoctrination of America's youth.

They don't care if we're overrun with foreign, third-world criminals, drugs, and human traffickers. They only care for their naked kust for power. The American People must stop these crooks, and replace the Communistic Democrat crooks with America-First patriotics.

Milwaukee Welcomes The Republican National Convention

 Here's a notable Milwaukee resident with a commentary:

'AAAAAAYYYYY! Arthur Fonzarelli here! As a proud working class American, I WELCOME THE G.O.P. TO MILWAUKEE1!!

The working men and women of America LOVE DONALD TRUMP! I bought some beer and some gas for my motorcycle the other day, and it costed me an arm and a leg. Somebody tell Biden that HIGH INFLATION IS NOT COOL!!!!

Also, you can barely afford a chocolate shake and a burger at ARNOLD'S DRIVE-IN!!! WHOA!!!

I think that Biden has definately jumped the shark!!! I'm voting for Trump because he'll tell The Russians and the Ukranians and The ChiComs and The Iranian Mullahs and the illegal aliens TO COOL IT!!!

I'm voting for Donald Trump because I want tu Make America Great Again! MAAAAAAYYYYYGA!


Friday, July 12, 2024

Which Presidential Candidate Is UNFIT To Be President???

Mean-spirited Dictator OBiden's Army of Unhinged, Congressional, Leftist Lunatics impeached Donald Trump AFTER he left office in 2021. Then, they unleashed corrupt Soros D.A.'s to have him thrown in prison for the rest of his life, and have tried to have him struck from presidential ballots. It has been one rediculous, over-the-top dirty trick after another.

They have called him 'Adolph Hitler', a 'danger to our democracy', and their Army of gaslighting media whores have repeated  the lie that he intends to throw his enemies in prison. The narcissistic Trump-haters in Hollywood tell us they will leave America if Trump wins the 2024 election.

Actually, his media and political enemies are The ENEMIES OF THE COUNTRY.

The Democrats say they're 'saving democracy' by 'importing illegal aliens, packing the Supreme Court, censoring social media, and having their opponents (called 'insurrectionists') thrown in prison.'

It is the Bidenistas who have filled THEIR gulags with everyday Americans who dared protest the stolen 2020 election! If you really want to know what The Democrats are guilty of, just listen to them accuse their enemies of what they themselves are guilty of doing.

Now, they're bringing back the tired, old 'Trump is unfit to be President' lie. They completely ignore the fact TRUMP WAS ALREADY THE PRESIDENT, AND HE ALREADY DID AN OUTSTANDING JOB!

Saying that Trump is unfit to be president is like saying that Patrick Mahomes is 'unfit to be an NFL Quarterback' as he is accepting the Superbowl MVP AWARD!! it is laughable!!!

As President, Trump brought 3 years of Peace and Prosperity before The Democrats and The ChiComs unleashed Covid, shutting down The country. Then, they blamed Trump.

2024 Candidate Trump has shown incredible discipline, sticking to the issues, and refusing to jump all over Biden's failing candidacy. 

At their CNN debate two weeks ago, Trump performed extremely well, while Biden floundered. Behind closed doors, Biden's supporters are mortified with his terrible performance. Many of his most loyal suckups are now panicking, calling on Biden to drop out of the race.

Just yesterday, Biden's declining cognitive skills were again exposed when he referred to Ukranian President Zelenskyy as ' President Putin'. Later on, he held a gaffe-filled press conference where he referred to a Vice-President 'Trump', and took pre-selected questions from pre-selected members of 'the press.' There was also a teleprompter there to tell him what to say.

Republicans were happy that Biden made it through the press conference because that meant that Biden will probably stay in the race. 

The Trump-haters refer to Trump as 'convicted felon', but that's like referring to Jewish Holocaust  victim Anne Frank as 'a fugitive from the law.' Donlad Trump has done nothing wrong, but he's being persecuted by corrupt Soros D.A.'s because he's leading in the presidential polls and they want him knocked out of the race.

He is 'unfit' because he is a threat to The Democrat's corruption applecart. They are trying to destroy him before he destroys the Deep State. So, the question is 'Who is UNFIT to serve as The President of The United States? Perhaps we should let The American People decide in November.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

So, How Was Your Independence Day?

Your bushy-tailed correspondent was gone for a few days, spending The Fourth Of July in friendly Duluth, Minnesota. I have my own little tradition of watching the fireworks from Duluth's beautiful Bayfront.

I estimate there were about 20,000 happy, patriotic Americans there to enjoy the fireworks. There were absolutely NO troublemakers, no one protesting Western civilization, not a single Palestinian or Somalian flag, and NO new Minnesota 'Bleached Anus' flags.

I saw no Somalian gangs, no one worshipping Allah with their ass in the air, and no burkas.

I saw people capturing the sights and sounds on their cellphones, and I saw young people singing 'God Bless The U.S.A' by Lee Greenwood. I banged my head to 'Stars And Stripes Forever' by John Phillip Souza.

He was The Quiet Riot of his day!

The people cheered at the end, as Whitney Houston's voice echoed over the harbor. The beautiful, intense final cluster of fireworks exploded in the night sky.

So, how was YOUR Fourth of July?

Tuesday, July 9, 2024


On April 30, 2019, I posted a song parody of Barry Mainilow's 'At The Copa (Copacabana)' as The Ballad Of Ilhan Omar. It seems that my parody should include the other members of THE SQUAD.

I think I'll give it another try:

Her name is Ilhan, She's an extremist

She's a member of The Squad, she committed marriage fraud

She's always haranguing, and bad-mouthing America

To the haters she's a star, that Ilhan Omar

When she makes a speech, It's like a chalkboard screetch

She hates Jews, and White Christians....What a leetch! 

She is Ilhan, Ilhan Omar

The hateful leftist rock star

She is Ilhan, Ilhan Omar

She's always lashing and America-bashing

Ilhan Omar......She hates America.........

Her name is Rashida, She's a bottom feeda

Says America's unfair, She's a mouthpiece for CAIR

She should be deported, Her career should be over

belongs in the looney bin, disgracing Michigan

Anti-Semitic as the Ku Klux Klan, Represents Dearbornistan

Everyone thinks she will be expelled, but

no one knows when

She's Rashida, Rashida Tlaib

We wish that she would justt leave

It's Rashida, Rashida Tlaib

She's really hateful, and mighty ungrateful

I wish that she'd just go away......

Her name is Alex..............Ocasio Cortez

She's a real half-wit, She's an SNL SKIT

She talks like she's a 3rd grader

Her voters aren't too smart, She's a real brain fart

Her dumb voters are blind, they're out of their minds

She just recites the Socialist party line

Her name is Alex............Ocasio Cortez

I can't believe all the stupid stuff she sez

Her name is Alex...........Occasional Cortex



Don't fall for it......

Don't fall for it......