Saturday, October 22, 2022

Stacey Abrams: Children Are Expensive. Abort Them!

This week, Gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams (D-GA) made some incredbibly offensive statements concerning Abortion and Inflation, stating:

"Having children is why you're concerned about the price of gas. It's why you're concerned about the price of food.

Let's be clear. Having children is the reason you're worried about your price of gas. It's why you're concerned about how much food costs. For women, this isn't a reductive issue You can't divorce being forced to carry an unwanted pregnancy from the economic realties of having a child'.

Here is the candidate to explain her statement:

Thank you, RedSquirrel,

Imagine if you ciould just get RID of your unviable tissue mass. Children are costly, and if you abort your baby, you can save lots of money, and inflation won't bite you so hard!

The child you abort will no longer be your problem, and you can now live your life with far fewer expenses If you abort that tissue mass, you will free yourself of having to buy expensive hockey equipment for that unviable tissue mass someday, and you can save enough money to enjoy a night out with the girls NOW!!! 

Abortion is so much more humane than inconviencing yourself! If you abort your unviable tissue mass, you can visit KFC 3 or 4 times a week like me without having to buy baby formula!

Remember, Inflation is so much worse if you have children! Children and parents are the enemy!

If you're one of those weirdos who believe in the sanctity of life, and can't see yourself ending your pregancy, there are other options. For example, you can sell your baby to a trafficker. That way, the baby actually MAKES YOU MONEY!

If your 14-year-old is eating you out of house and home, you can sell your kid to a sex trafficker. If you'r e insane enough to have 4-5-6 children, perhaps you can tell them to go find a job. Never let them forget what a burden they are.

The overturning of Roe Vs. Wade caused this painful Inflation, not President Biden. Well, that's what I tell my voters.

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