Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Do You Remember When Democrats Weren't Crazy?

Twenty years ago this month, Minnesota Democrat Senator Paul Wellstone (pictured) died in a plane crash in Northern Minnesota. He was a mainstream liberal, a happy warrior. He treated allies and opoonents with a cheerful kindness. He would never fit in with the present-day, corrupt, ultra-woke Democrats.

Former Connecticut Senator Joe Leiberman worked across the aisle, and was thrown out of the Democrat party.

Thomas 'Tip' O'NeiL was the Democrat leader during the 8 years of Reagan. In Reagan's first battle with The Democrats, The Congress gave him an early victory, and passed his conservative agenda. 'Tip' O'Neil congratulated Reagan by telephone and wished the best for The President and The Country. 

Can you imagine insane Speaker Nancy Pelosii EVER congratulating President Trump OR working for the betterment of the country? She's too busy enriching herself, tearing up State of the Union speeches, and impeaching Orange Man Bad. She acts like she has an unclean spirit living inside her head.

If you were aware of politicians before Y2K, you might wonder just what happened to the new, modern-day Democrats.

Before the ultra-hateful, anti-American 'Squad', before Democrats went nuts with impeaching Republican Presidents over false charges,  Democrats like Paul Wellstone and Thomas 'Tip' O'Neil behaved like normal, reasonable adults.

Present-day Senate Bully Charles Schumer threatemed bodily harm to Conservative Justices of The Supreme Court. Threatening judges would be unthinkable to Paul Welllstone.If an opponent believed that his re-election was stolen, Wellstone wouldn't think of using The U.S. Justice Department to imprison protesters of the stolen election.

Crazy, corrupt Leftist Congressperson Maxine Waters from California tells her constituents to intimidate Republicans' and 'Get up in their faces.'

Now, some Democrats think that it's o.k. to 'SWAT' their opponents. 'SWATTING' is the practice of calling the police and telling them there's some undfined disturbance at a certain address. The police send officers with guns drawn. It's very dangerous. Somebody has been 'SWATTING' Republican Georgia Congresswoman Margorie Taylor-Greene.

Before he was elected to The Senate, Paul Wellstone was a well-spoken college professor who spoke eloquently for his beliefs. The current resident of The White House runs a crime family, and needs his wife to show him how to get off the stage after a poorly-delivered, word salad speech. He calls his opponents 'domestic terrorists' and 'a danger to our democracy.'

Paul Wellstone would never do this.

Before Barack Obama 'transformed America', Americans could come together, and respect views other than our own. Now, Democrats use the government to persecute their opponents. They are turning America into a third-world banana republic. Obama had a chance to bring America together, and he ripped America apart along racial lines.

Damn, I wiish we had decent Democrats like Paul Wellstone again.

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