Sunday, January 31, 2021

Red Forman: Are Democrats Really This Nuts?


Here with a commentary is our Normal-Everydad, Red Forman:

Are the Democrats really this nuts? Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wants to send Trump supporters, AT LEAST 75,000,000 Americans, to re-education camps. On top of that, she accuses Senator Ted Cruz of trying to MURDER her.  I hope she gets the psychiatric help she needs.

Nutty Nancy withheld support for the second covid relief checks because she hated President Trump and was afraid that sending the checks would 'make him look good.' Like a lot of Americans, I think that she might have an unclean spirit living inside her head. Her voters need a foot up their ass.......

The Trump Haters hate everything and everybody who doesn't hate Trump. The president mentioned that he approved of the use of Hydroxichloroquin to fight Covid and the Trump haters spread some truly NUTTY, scary  disinformation 'debunking' his claim. How many people died becuase The Democrats hated Trump? You idiots need your ass kicked.

This impeachment show is also NUTS! Establishment Dems started this push to remve President Trump BEFORE he was insugurated in 2017, and it continues even AFTER he's out the door. They accuse him of 'incitement to violence' or something. He told his supporters to 'protest peacefully and patriotically let your voices be heard.' Sorry guys, this is just rediculous. Someone needs to kick your ass. 

Then, you have the Big-tech bigshots de-platforming and 'fact-checking' Normal-Americans if one thinks that maybe the election was stolen. These psychotic, vindictive bullies want to blackball everyone from employment if they voted for Donald Trump. Of course, these hateful weirdos should get a foot in their ass.

And now, we have a job-killing president, Slow-Joe Biden. He is trying to destroy everything that our terrific former Ppresident Trump ever did,  I understand that The ChiComs LOVE Biden!

They created Covid. They need their Commie asses kicked.

Well, that's all for now. I need a beer. Red Forman out.

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