Thursday, August 6, 2020

And Now, A Commentary From Our Faith And Religion Correspondent

After a much-deserved hiatus, RSR's Faith And Religion Correspondent is back with this commentary. Ladies and Gentlemen, here she is, Sister Mary Brokenknuckles:

God Bless.....

May God forgive the pasty-face, booger-eating bastards who left graffiti on Saint Patrick's Cathedral a month ago. Lord, I pray these godless, Communist goons are arrested....

 ....but I live in a city ran by Democrats, so I'm not holding my breath.....

I was checking out my facebook feed, and saw that 'protesters' in Portland are burning Bibles. Dear God, Please forgive the little AntiFa Nazi bastards. Their tiny brains were corrupted by their Satanic college professors. Please have mercy on their souls, Oh Lord.

If only I could be their teacher. I would smack 'em all with my ruler so hard these punks would cry for mercy.

The Marxist BLM heathens need some systemic tough-love on their knuckles. Two of the founders are Lesbians, and they want to destroy the American nuclear family. If those little bitches were in MY classroom, I'd smack'em so hard, the unclean, homosexual spirits would leave their bodies!

I was watching the news, and protesters in Minneapolis have built an alter for that poor drug addict with a bad ticker, George Floyd. I wish that I could have smacked that idiot cop who knelt on George's neck, but enough IS ENOUGH!!! All the George Floyd artwork is quite nice, but it's almost like some people have made George Floyd into some sort of deity. I was just wondering:

Where were all the protests for the blonde yoga instructor, Justine Damond? She was murdered by that Muslim Somali cop, Muhammad Noor. Damned, virtue-signalling Racists.......

I pray for all the governors and mayors, but it appears all the Democrats see themselves as little Anti-Christs, using the Covid 19 plague to destroy the economy. They send their little anti-Trump Brownshirts to 'protest' against America, while forcing the Christians to stay away from the Churches. May God have mercy on their souls!

Now, the corrupt government schools and their unionistas want to pay the teachers to not do their job. Perhaps God sent this virus to save our precious children from the Communist indoctrination inside public schools! Home schools, Catholic schools, and Charter schools to the rescue!

Remember what that little demon-possessed punk (Barack Obama's Chief-of-Staff) Rahm Emmanuel said:

'Don't ever let a good crisis go to waste'. The Demoncrats are hurting America, and they believe that the voters will throw President Trump out of office. I pray the American people will storm the voting booths and rebuke their asses good.

Finally, I want to pray to God Almighty to Bless our wonderful President Trump, and protect him from the false prophets at CNN, MSNBC, and The New York Times.  Also, I've placed a call to Father John Corsi, an exorcist. Clearly, many leftists on Twitter are possessed by demons.

May God Bless America!

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