Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Public School Teacher Martha: I'm On A Sex Strike!

June is Pride Month, and we at The RSR strives to get as many perspectives as possible.  Here to comment is a public school teacher. Let's call her 'Martha:

Those Nazi Supreme Court pigs are trying to take away my abortion rights, so me an' my friends are going on a sex strike! We got the home addresses of Kavanugh and Gorsuch, and we'll intimidate these pigs because our God Molloch is on our side! Remember, Jane was here!


My favorite Senator Chucky Schumer says these conservative judges will 'reap the whirlwind' and not know what hit 'em. 

There's no way that I'll ever be a Mother. I will have an abortion if I ever got preggers That's why I act as if your kids belong to me.

I like teaching tolerance, taking your kids on field trips to drag sex shows, but I hate it when their domestic terrorist parents find out. I have an AntiFa flag and a BLM flag in my classroom. 

I like teaching progressive, woke math. 2 + 2 = IF YOU SAY 4, YOU'RE A RACIST, HOMOPHOBIC PIG!!!!!

Don't tell anyone, but me an' my friends are also in AntiFa. I'm also a member of Jane's Revenge.. Last night we fire-bombed a Pro-Life Clinic. I take part in all the 'non-violent' protests! SUPPORT US OR ELSE!!!!

I  also started local chapters of 'Gays For Palestine' amd 'Chickens For KFC'! 

Oh, and you better use the right pronoun when referring to me, or I'll get you fired from your job.....

Rememebr, Tolerance.........


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