Tuesday, November 30, 2021

My Idea: The Kyle Rittenhouse Investment Club

I got this idea from former Covington High School student Nicholas Sandmann, who sued CNN. I heard that hey agreed to pay him $250,000,000 for defamation.

It looks like Kyle Rittenhouse has a good case against Joe Biden, CNN, MSNBC, and many other parties who falsely referred to the teenager as a murderer and a White Supremacist. He may be incredibly wealthy very soon.

This gives me an idea. I call this idea 'The Kyle Rittenhouse Invsetment Club.'

It works like this:

You/me (the 'investors') send Kyle and his lawyers money for his legal costs, and they sue the living Hell out of these leftist creeps who defamed him. Kyle gets his cut, the lawyers get their cut, and the investors get theirs. 

Hopefully, CNN and MSNBC might not even exist after Team Kyle is done with them. I hope that Kyle has an armada of the meanest lawyers he can find. 

If you want, you can comment on my idea in my comment section..........

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