Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Floyd R. Turbo: I Support A Second American Civil War

Hello, my name is Floyd R. Turbo, and I believe America needs a second American Civil War.

As you know, this country is divided.

Why should red states be allowed to impose their freedom on us blue states? I say we need a national divorce. We should build a wall around these out of control red states. Let us demand that these crazy conservative red state governors stop trying to mandate their 'DEADLY no-mask' mandates on us. 

I think they are trying to KILL us!

Also, why should these red states allow kids in school to walk around without masks? Don't they know that the government is ALWAYS RIGHT? These brats need to learn to 'bend a knee' or they will wake up on a respirator!

Then there's these mothers speaking up at school board meetins, complaining 'bout C.R.T. I cannot believe how disrespectful these domestic terrorists can get. Holy cow, they are so racist! They won't let our wonderful government school teachers teach their kids that America is a racist country founded on White supremacy!

Also, these right-wing insurrectionist Trump supporters can't accept that Trump lost fair and square! They rioted inside the capitol, and took selfies!!! Those capitol police should NOT have waved these violent lunatics in!!!

Sure, Trump told his army of maniacs to 'protest peacefully and patrioticly, but we know what he REALLY meant! These people need to be kept in Biden's secret prisons!

Before we declare war, we should impeach Donald Trump again! I think the January 6th commission is a good idea! If Nancy Pelosi calls everyone who supported Trump to testify we could win the civil war easily! All our enemies will be busy testifying.

It is brilliant that President Biden is infiltrating the red states with thousands of illegal aliens. They can do a lot of damage! We should also confiscate all the guns in the red states. 

I am Flord R. Turbo. That is all for now.

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