Monday, August 19, 2024

DNC Week: Top Ten Proposals in The Democrat Party Platform

Today begins the 2024 Democrat National Convention, and unless the delegates plan ANOTHER coup it looks like Vice-Perp Kamala Harris will be the party's candidate for president.

During the national conventions, the party leaders also vote on a party platform. We here at RSR have the inside scoop.

From our home office in Bovey, Minnesota, here are The Top Ten Proposed items In The Democrat Party Platform......

10. $25,000 for first time homeowners. The money goes only to undocumented immigrants also recieving free college tuition and free healthcare.

 9. Every 'undocumented immigrant' should recieve $5.000.000, while every American taxpayer must surrender all their property as well as their constitutional rights. In return, each American taxpayer will recieve a bowful of rice and 2 bowls of high-protein bugs each month.

 8. Birthing humans who refuse to have their fetus aborted must pay a punitive 'birthing tax' for making the wrong 'choice.'

 7. Re-start The Keystone XL Pipeline Project and reward it to The Communist Chinese.

 6. Abolish the Death Penalty (for violent capitol offenses), except for innocent unborn babies.

 5. We declare that all cops are criminals, and all sinners-saints.

 4. We declare Israel a terrorist state.

 3. 'In God We Trust' will be replaced with 'Under Moloch We Kneel'

 2. We will protect trans-Americans by sending those using incorrect pronouns to gulags.

 1. Special tax credit for human traffickers

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